Sessio~ 1508, Mir~te~ Page 2
<br />December 11, 1989
<br />
<br />u~'rf MANA~'S REPOI~PS
<br />
<br />Purchase of Fume R~m~val System (#1). Bids for furmJ~J~ing and installing a
<br />carbon monoxide exhaust z~,~-~l system at Central Garage were received as fol-
<br />lows:
<br /> Heartland Group, Inc.
<br /> System for Diesel side only $4,075
<br />
<br /> System for Diesel side $2,827
<br /> System for Autc~ive side 2,208 5,035
<br />
<br />It was rec~ML~nded that the bid of $5,035 fr~m Bruning Equilmment, Inc. be ac-
<br />cord.
<br />
<br />l~zdmse of Tw~-wheel Drive Pic~up~ (#2), The City Council, on November 20,
<br />1989, approved the purchase of three two-wheel drive pickups flu,, Jim Butler
<br />(~evrolet for a total of $34,561.53. On December 1, the Finance Department
<br />received notice that the c~,~any could not deliver trucks meeting the City's
<br />minimt~ specifications. It is now rec~,,~_nded that the award go to the next
<br />lowest bidder, Art Haack Buick-(~C Truck for their ?£~nd total of $36,255 for
<br />.1990 ~ C2500/C6P Sierras (unit price of $12,485 for a total of $37,455 less
<br />trade-in of $1,200).
<br />
<br />Rescue Module - Refurbish and R~m~unt (#3). Invitations to bid on refurbish-
<br />ing and r~mounting the rescue module on vehicle #268, with request for trade-
<br />in allowmnce for the 1985 chassis and present light bar, were sent to eight
<br />vendors, with the following response:
<br />
<br /> Base Trade-in Allowance
<br />C~,wan~ Price Chassis Liqht Bar ~Tota 1
<br />
<br />Emerge-A-Star $37,449
<br /> (33% femmle-owned)
<br />Brown,s Body Shop, Inc. 47,445
<br />
<br />$4,000 $250 $33,199
<br />3,500 500 43,445
<br />
<br />Emerge-A-Star has suggested an optional light bar costing $648 to be installed
<br />on the rear of the module at the right and left sides. It was reco~,~,~nded
<br />that the bid fz~,~ Emer~3e-A-Star, including the optional light bar, be accepted
<br />in the amount of $33,847.
<br />
<br />consideration of Bids for ~ Truck (#4). Invitations to bid on a five-yard
<br />dump truck, less trade-in allowance for vehicle #101, were sent to 32 dealers,
<br />with the following response:
<br />
<br />C~,wany, Make, Model
<br />
<br />Unit Trade-in Total
<br />
<br />GMC Truck White ~C Truck Center
<br /> ~ - TC7H042 with Heil Dump Body
<br />
<br />$30,117.00
<br />
<br />$2,200.00
<br />
<br />$27,917.00
<br />
<br />
<br />