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Sessio~ 1501, F~ Page 10 <br />August 14, 1989 <br /> <br />on the northeast corner of f~zm~rlain and Kingsland Avenues as a public park <br />to be called "Kingsland Park." Mrs. T~,~son asked that the name be changed <br />to Dr. Martin Luther King Park. The Mayor suggested that Council first vote <br />on the dedication, and later discuss a different name, if Council so desired. <br /> <br />Mr. Prioe asked what the p _roce~___]re would be to give the park a different name. <br />Mayor Majerus said it should be presented to the Park C~t=~ssion, and they may <br />tb~_n mak~ a rec~tu~ndation to the City Council. <br /> <br />Mr. Schoc~_r moved that the r~solution be tabled until after the April, 1990 <br />election. Mr. Adams seconded the motion. <br /> <br />Although tabling normally precludes further discussion, Mayor ~jerus said she <br />would make an exception in this case. M~. Price asked the reason for tabling. <br />Mr. Schocmer said the City has been informed that Council will be presented <br />with a measure to amend the ~rter at the April, 1990 election by requiring <br />that any proposed change in park status be put to a vote of the people, such <br />a measure would c~a~.~t the City to maintaining as parks in perpetuity property <br />now being used as parks, without allowing for any kind of change in use what- <br />soever. He did not wish to c~,uLJt funds for this park blir~lly at this tf~ne, <br />or until he knew exactly what the city was being c~,=~tted to. Mr. Price said <br />he did not see how moving fo~w-ard with this matter would have any effect, and <br />he felt the city had an obligation, once this park was designated as such, to <br />maintain it. Mr. Schooner said that was exactly his point. Mr. ~ams said he <br />vras not ~ to the idea of this property being developed as outlined in <br />the information Council received, however, he w-as cpposed to designating it as <br />a park at this ti]ne because of the proposed Cbx~rter change. He felt it Wo~nld <br />severely tie the hands not only of this Council, but all future Councils, in <br />the disposition of p£0~_rty in the City. Mr. Price pointed out that a lot of <br />work went into getting this pzu~rty developed as a park, and many people will <br />be misled if action is postponed until April. <br /> <br />The vote on tabling was as follows: AYES: Councilmembers Adams, Schoomer and <br />Wagner. NAYS: Councilmembers ~h=~pson, schuman, Price, and Mayor ~jerus. <br />The motion failed by a vote of four to three. <br /> <br />Mrs. Thompson moved approval of the resolution, with Mr. Price seconding the <br />motion. All voted Aye except Mr. Ad,ms and Mr. Schoomer, who voted Nay. <br /> <br />ADOFi./NGME~ORANEL~4OF~ANDINGWrlHI3DCAL2665 IAFF- ~'LF~E CAPTAINS <br /> <br />The City Clerk said this resolution e~presses the intent of the city Council <br />to take necessary actions to adopt a memol-an~zm of understanding with Local <br />2665 Inte/T~tional Association of Fire Fighters, representing the city's fire <br /> <br />Mr. Price moved approval. Mr. Schoomer seconded the motion, which carried <br />unanimmmly. <br /> <br />ADO~£1NG MEMORANEOM OF UNDERb-~aNDING WA'iH LOCAL 2665 IAFF - FI~EFIG~I'~ <br /> <br />The city Clerk said this resolution expresses the intent of the City Council <br /> <br /> <br />