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Green Practices Commission <br />6801 Delmar Boulevard, University City, Missouri 63130, Phone: (314) 862-6767, Fax: (314) 863-9146 <br /> <br />Meeting Minutes – University City Green Practices Commission <br /> <br />June 11, 2015 DRAFT <br />Location: Heman Park Community Center <br />Attendees Present: Dianne Benjamin, Bob Elgin, Tim Michels, Jenny Wendt (Staff <br />Liaison), Lois Sechrist <br />Absent Excused: Jeff Mishkin, Richard Juang, Scott Eidson, Steve Kraft (Council Liaison) <br />Guests: Janna White (Intern) <br /> 1. Meeting called to Order, Roll Call at 6:10 p.m. <br /> <br />2. Opening Round a) Janna White introduced herself. She is working on recycling programs with the University City School District and will meet with Karl Scheidt, the District facility <br />manager. <br />b) Jenny’s comments: <br />i) She asked if University City has a low income weatherization program and was directed to the Community Action Agency of St. Louis County ( <br />ii) The 3rd Ward had a clean-up day at Midland/ Olive and in the 6500 block of <br />Etzel, both organized by residents. Trash bags and other supplies were <br />provided by University City. iii) Trash and recycling containers have been placed on Olive Blvd. iv) Janna White, studying in the University of Missouri Environmental Studies <br />program, is interning with Jenny. <br />c) Lois was quoted in an article on Ascension green practices in an article published <br />in Greenhealth journal. 3. May 14, 2015 Green Practices Commission Meeting Minutes approved with one <br />amendment to item 2e. <br /> <br />4. Special Presentations a) There were no special presentations. <br />5. New Business <br />a) Trash collection – rollout carts/private hauler <br />i) Washington University is discontinuing University City trash service and moving to a private hauler. This will double trash truck traffic in residential areas. The private hauler’s trucks and University City trucks will now travel <br />down streets where there are both University City and Washington University <br />properties. <br />ii) Jenny will contact Cheryl Adelstein with Washington University to see if a compromise can be reached. <br />