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March 5, 2007 <br />budget transfer agenda in the future. This approval would in no way allow transfer of <br />funds from the contingency fund. <br /> <br />Ms. Brot thanked City Manager for supplying additional information on part time <br />employees and contracted employees of Centennial Commons. She said that more <br />information was needed on items for Council’s approval in order to be able to make an <br />intelligent decision. Ms. Brot did ask if contracted employees were paid even though <br />class had been cancelled due to lack of enough interest. Ms. Watson said that the part- <br />time and contracted Centennial Commons’ workers were more of a legal definition. A <br />contracted worker gives members a service at their request and a part-time worker has <br />assigned hours and has a supervisor from the City. Also, a contracted worker is not <br />covered by the City’s liability insurance as Workmen’s Comp. <br /> <br />Ms. Watson asked if the Council decided to allow the City Manager to transfer funds from <br />line items within the department, she would like for the minutes to reflect a motion <br />passing this. Ms. Ricci said the she conceptually agrees with this but felt that this was <br />not a good time to discuss it. She felt with the budget process coming up, it would be a <br />better time for discussion when Council could see the departments and their funds. Ms. <br />Ricci felt a lot of information could be gained when seeing large transfers even within <br />individual departments. She would prefer to discuss a process to capture large fund <br />transfers during the budget sessions. Ms. Ricci wanted to be clear that when Council <br />adopts a policy on fund transfers, the Council will always have the ability to question <br />funds for additional information and this would not waived. <br /> <br />Ms. Ricci said that when and if she receives information late; she will move the item be <br />removed to be considered at the next meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />Mayor Adams offered two processes to consider in running Council meetings. First he <br />wanted Council’s agreement on time limitation of proponents and opponents <br />representatives. Mr. Glickert agreed. Mr. Glickert also said that any representatives <br />should have handouts to the Councilmembers before the meeting, not at the meeting. <br />Mayor Adams second point was on Robert’s Rules stating that each member will be able <br />to speak twice on each issue. Ms. Ricci suggested this discussion wait till the upcoming <br />open meeting session on Parliamentary Procedures. Mr. Price did not agree with limiting <br />members on how many times they could speak. Ms. Brot said that there needs to be a <br />give a take when making decisions and would not agree to the limitation on the number <br />of times members would be allowed to comment. Mr. Sharpe, Jr. did not agree because <br />there may be times when you may have more than one question based on something <br />that had just been discussed. <br /> <br />Mayor Adams asked for a motion to go into an Executive Session, RSMo 610.021 (1) <br />legal. Mr. Sharpe, Jr moved to enter into an Executive Session and was seconded by <br />Mr. Glickert. <br /> <br />Roll Call vote was <br />AYES: Mr. Price, Ms. Ricci, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Glickert, Ms. Brot, Mr. Sharpe, Jr., and <br />Mayor Adams <br /> 4 <br /> <br />