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February 26, 2007 <br />Charter had specifically mentioned it in their agreement. The term may be <br />modified by mutual agreement as stated in paragraph one, Ms. Ricci wanted to <br />know if this meant a written agreement. She also asked about the net gross <br />revenue with discounts, refunds and price adjustments, stated in paragraph three. <br />Mr. Martin did not know what would be included in price adjustments but said the <br />language used in AT&T’s agreement was the same as that in Charter’s <br />agreement. Lastly, Ms. Ricci asked about paragraph seven stating that AT&T <br />shall make every available effort to contact a resident and felt it should state, <br />“every reasonable effort”. Mr. Martin agreed to have this changed. <br /> <br />Mr. Price asked what would happen if University City did nothing. Mr. Martin could <br />not answer that with certainty. He said that Senate Bill 284 is moving along <br />quickly. <br /> <br />Mr. Michael Peterson, representing AT&T <br />Government Relation Manager <br />He is a resident of University City. <br />Mr. Peterson stated that University City has the opportunity to be one of the first <br />municipalities in the state of Missouri to receive television over the internet, <br />Internet Protocol Television, (IPT). AT&T is investing four billion dollars to bring <br />competition to video by cable. AT&T will bring a more favorable service, better <br />quality and a fairer price. Telephone rates have decreased by 1½ percent <br />Consumer Price Index (CPI) rates have increased by 29 percent and cable rates <br />have increased by 93 percent, from 1995 to 2005. Mr. Peterson said the cable <br />rates have decreased in areas with land-based video competition. He gave <br />examples of many different services that AT&T video would bring. Mr. Peterson <br />shared pictures of how the video boxes look when installed, which would depend <br />on agreement with University City. He listed what AT&T would provide, in <br />agreement with what Mr. Martin had previously stated. He repeated that AT&T <br />would not be able to red-line areas and the agreement also called for landscaping <br />around the boxes at the determination of the City. Why is this different? AT&T is <br />a two-way interactive service and Charter is a one-way interactive service. AT&T <br />will supply more High Definition (HD) programs. <br /> <br />Mayor Adams asked about the cost factor of connecting our system with AT&T’s <br />system. Mr. Peterson said that he believed the cost would be around $5,000. He <br />felt this cost could be off-set with the migration of satellite customers to AT&T <br />giving the city more revenue. <br /> <br />Ms. Ricci asked if AT&T considered their video service not to be a cable franchise <br />and Mr. Peterson agreed. <br /> <br />Mr. Price asked about the hardware required. Mr. Peterson said that the <br />technology works over the DSL connection so in order to access the video portion <br />a customer would need a DSL connection. <br /> <br />Ms. Brot asked why AT&T is anxious to enter agreements with municipalities when <br />the state bill seems to be moving through the legislature pretty fast. Mr. Peterson <br /> 4 <br /> <br />