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February 26, 2007 <br /> <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Beverly Hacker, 3710 A Connecticut <br /> <br />Ms. Hacker is connected with what is called PEG people. She said that with <br />Senator’s Bray’s threat of filibustering SB 284, they were able to get a few <br />changes. Ms. Hacker encouraged the city to insist on PEG in exchange for use of <br />their right-of-ways. The bill limits the PEG channels to three being required but <br />now grandfathers in any existing channels. Another point that Ms. Hacker <br />emphasized that the city needs to do is to inquire about who is going to pay for the <br />connection and equipment needed for educational channels. Lastly, she <br />encouraged the Council to protect the CALOP funding as they have produced <br />great educational materials. <br /> <br />This Public Hearing was closed at 8:45 p.m. <br /> <br />3. Public Hearing for University Hills Neighborhood Improvement Act Project was <br />opened at 8:47 p.m. <br /> <br />CITIZENS COMMENTS <br />Robert Klahr and Bob Boland - representing University Hills neighborhood. Mr. <br />Klahr was an attorney for Armstrong Teasdale and a resident of University Hills <br />neighborhood. Mr. Klahr and Mr. Boland explained their process in the <br />recommended improvements needed for the streets, gutters and curbing of the <br />University Hills Neighborhood. <br /> <br />Ms. Brot asked what the assessment was going to be for the City’s Flynn Park. <br />Mr. Klahr said that it would be around $50,000. Ms. Brot inquired about whether <br />this was budgeted and Ms. Feier said that it would be included in Fiscal Year 2007 <br />– 2008 budget coming up. Ms. Ricci asked Mr. Klahr for a listing of exhibit A & B. <br /> <br />This Public Hearing was closed at 9:05 p.m. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />1. <br /> University Hills Neighborhood Improvement – Resolution 2007 - 5 <br />Ms. Brot moved for approval, seconded by Mr. Wagner and approved with one <br />Nay vote from Ms. Ricci. <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER’S REPORT <br />1. Gatesworth Expansion <br />Gatesworth expansion was continued to the next Council meeting, March 19, <br />2007. <br /> <br />2. Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Janet Watson outlined the budget <br />process. <br />Ms. Watson listed the following time line proposed for the 2007 – 2008 budget. <br />a. April – finalize new budget and prepare for printing <br />b. May – first week distribute City Manager’s proposed budget <br /> 6 <br /> <br />