Laserfiche WebLink <br />to stay in compliance to avoid expensive fines, which has added extra costs. Violations include smell, runoff, pollution and spill-over in the River des Peres. <br />iii. The cost to process leaves and yard waste is more than $450,000 per year which <br />does not include collection of leaves, delivery of mulch to residents, or a new leaf grinder which is needed in the near future. <br />iv. The majority of leaf mulch produced is given away free to residents and commercial landscapers outside the city and the delivery of compost and leaf mulch cost more than the manpower needed. <br />v. It is being proposed to use St. Louis Compost to transfer the take over the operation. The City can purchase the processed mulch at a reduced rate at an estimated total cost. <br /> c) Jana Flora, a new resident, attended the meeting as an observer to see what the Green <br />Practices Commission was all about. <br /> 5. New Business <br />a) Community Solar Program – Tim will discuss this under reports. <br />b) Compost/Mulch Site Discussion – The commission agreed with Rich Wilson that the removal of the compost site was a good decision, with a few questions and caveats: <br />i. The City will still be performing leaf collection ii. The GPC create a program for residents on how to make their own leaf mulch. iii. If a contract is signed with St. Louis Compost, it is not for more than one year (or no <br />term). iv. The residents would still have the ability to have mulch delivered at cost. v. The Commission voted and endorsed the following: <br />“The Green Practices Commission endorses outsourcing composting services to a <br />vendor with a non-binding contract for a one-year trial period. The Green Practices Commission recommends the City make bulk purchases of <br />mulch and redistribute to residents at cost.” c) GPC Goals – The commission will meet on December 10th specifically to reassess the Goals. Jeff Mishkin will lead this discussion. <br /> 6. Old Business <br />a) Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program - The PACE ordinance was <br />presented for the first reading at the September 8th City Council Meeting. The second and third reading will be September 24th. <br />b) Recycling Drop-Off Area – The design of the drop-off area is underway. Plastic film will <br />be added but Styrofoam will not. c) Green Cities Challenge – Jenny met with the pilot group of Green Cities in the challenge <br />which include Maplewood, MO, Highland IL, Madison County IL, and Alton IL. The group has the basic challenges as the Green business challenge but during the pilot program the Cities will alter them to fit cities more appropriately. <br /> <br />7. Reports a) Land Use/Open Space/Parks – Rich Wilson reported the following sustainable practices <br />underway at U City parks: i. Fogerty Park Master Plan has been submitted to Parks Commission and includes native landscaping and LED lights. <br />ii. Millar Park has raingardens, native landscaping, and LED lights installed. iii. Lewis Park has raingardens, native landscaping, and LED lights installed. <br />b) Energy – Tim Michels reported on two items: <br />i. The Community Solar Program, Ameren is looking for pilot areas. Tim is pursuing this for University City. <br />ii. Tim has investigated and suggested the City consider a Waste to Fuel option for City <br />Compost where the leaves and other yard waste can be converted to fuel. c) Green Buildings – No reports. <br />d) Council Liaison – No reports.