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<br />Olive Boulevard.The agenda included an opportunity for citizens to view maps and talk <br />with study team members about specific ideas or concerns. Representatives from the <br />U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and MSD provided a history and some study results to <br />date and answered questions from the audience. We hope to have the powerpoint <br />provided at the meeting and a survey regarding the proposed flood remediation <br />measures on the website by next week. The Corp is conducting the study in <br />collaboration with the City and MSD. The project will not proceed without consensus on <br />solutions because a Congressional appropriation will be required to move construction <br />or buy-outs forward. Senator Claire McCaskill’s representative attended last night’s <br />meeting in order to gage community support. I will forward a letter to request her <br />support to continue to fund the study of the project. <br /> <br />Canton fence <br />Ms. Baldwin asked about the at our last Council meeting. I had <br />previously requested information on the fence because it has been an ongoing issue. I <br />have attached a summary from 2005 and a current bid estimate to correct the failing <br />fence. The fence divides Pagedale and University City and runs along private property <br />behind homes. A new fence would cost in the range of $70,000. The purchase and <br />installation would need to be coordinated with Pagedale and adjoining residents from <br />municipalities. As you know, we have substantially cut our capital budget for FY ’08. I <br />will forward a letter to Ms. Baldwin asking if she would be interested in leading an effort <br />to have all neighbors participating in a cost share, since without their participation and <br />permission the project would not be possible. <br /> <br />Due to feedback from public meetings such as the Second Century Forums, and Code <br />Housing Court <br />Enforcement Task Force, staff is working on transitioning the from days <br />to evening court. Our hope is that this will reduce the need for residents to take off from <br />work to attend. It is a fairly major undertaking to alter the court schedule, as it requires <br />the coordination of the Judge, Prosecutor, Clerks, Community Development and Police <br />Departments. If you have any concerns about the transition please let me know before <br />we proceed any further. <br /> <br />Task Force on Code Enforcement <br />The held their first meeting on May 31. The <br />eighteen-member committee openly discussed the “top problem” issues: use of <br />telephones, impolite clerical staff, inconsistency of inspections and the addition of items <br />upon re-inspections. Community Development Director Walker will provide the final <br />results and recommendation of the Task Force at your August 20 Study Session. <br /> <br />“Kelly’s Chronicles” KEZK <br />Kris Kelly, as part of the a 102.5 series, interviewed Mayor <br />Adams, the episode focusing on University City will air on Saturday, June 8 at 6:00 AM. <br /> <br />Upcoming Meetings and Events: <br />Monday, June 18: 5:30 Study Session (Second Century Commission Report) <br />Monday, June 18: 6:30 Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 16: 5:30 Study Session (Liquor Licenses) <br />Monday, July 16: 6:30 Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 6: 5:30 Study Session (Golf Learning Center) <br />Monday, August 6: 6:30 Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 20: 6:30 Study Session (Code Enforcement) EOC Room <br />Friday, August 24: 5:30 PM Strategic Planning Session <br /> <br />
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