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removal of such plants. The Commission did not agree to this change; this would put a heavy burden on occupants in regards to honeysuckle, winter creeper, and other <br />invasive plants that are in heavy abundance throughout University City. <br /> 6. Old Business <br />a) Finalize Date for Council Meeting and Study Session – The commission suggested adding this to the June 13, 2016 Council meeting agenda. Scott and Jenny will work with Lois to prepare. <br />b) Finalize Commission Goals – Jeff felt the Commission needed to look through notes and decisions that were made in the past regarding the breakdown of the subcategories and the mission statement. The following tasks need to be completed: <br />i. Find notes of suggested commission categories ii. Revisit and study mission, vision, and values <br />iii. Consider eliminating categories, become more project based. <br />iv. Take list from work session, turn into SMART goals. v. Ask for input at the Council Presentation <br />Jeff and Tim will be rotating off of the commission in August. It is important to recruit <br />new qualified members. <br />7. Reports – None 8. Closing Round <br />a) Dianne had asked about updating the Parks Master Plan from 2008. This plan will not be updated; instead each park will have its own Master Plan specific to its amenities and function. <br />b) Scott asked to be on the July agenda to discuss the recycling ordinance. c) Jeff has had several local speaking engagements about energy savings. <br />9. Meeting adjourned at 7:33pm <br />