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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />To: Honorable Mayor Adams and City Council <br /> <br />From: Julie Feier, City Manager <br /> <br />Date: September 14, 2007 <br /> <br />Subject: Weekly Update <br /> <br /> <br />Green Center <br />The requested some minor adjustments to their lease in April. I shared <br />their original request with you and have provided an original version of the lease as well <br />as a proposed redline version of the lease. The Green Center is currently raising the <br />funds, approximately $120,000, to build or purchase a greenhouse to be placed <br />adjacent to the home. Construction or installation of a non-permanent structure could <br />begin as early as this fall. The Center already has a letter from the City approving the <br />construction dated February 2005, but wants to address ownership issues as identified <br />in Section 12 in the lease. The current lease will need to be amended to give the <br />Center ownership rights to this quasi-permanent structure if Council decides to agree to <br />this course of action. Please review and let me know if you have any concerns or <br />questions. Unless I hear from Council, a clean copy of the amended lease will be <br />included in the consent agenda at the September 24 Council meeting. <br /> <br />Centennial Greenway: <br /> I received news from Washington University and Great Rivers <br />Greenway this week regarding the Ackert Walkway section of the trail from WU along <br />Melville. The same week WU forwarded correspondence supporting the preliminary <br />plan for the Trail; I received notice from Patrick Owens at GRG, that due to a lack of <br />support from the Parkview residents the project is being abandoned for now. <br /> <br />Long Range Planning Manager Andrea Riganti was notified this week that the City’s <br />Great Places in America <br />application for The American Planning Association’s has <br />progressed to the final round of eliminations. We will be notified by the end of the <br />month if the Loop will receive national recognition as one of the top twenty locations in <br />the nation in the 2007 Great Street category. <br /> <br />mosquito population <br />The County Vector Control located West Nile Virus in the <br />throughout the County. They sprayed the entire community this week and will be <br />returning to the area until it no longer tests positive for the virus. I have attached the <br /> <br />