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<br />The applicant, Mr. Greg Trost with The Lawrence Group, was present to explain the <br />proposal. The proposed four-level parking garage is to be constructed on an existing <br />surface parking lot located just south of the Castlereagh building. The current lot has70 <br />parking spaces that serve three surrounding buildings: Center of Creative Arts (COCA) <br />to the south, 560 Music Center to the west, and Castlereagh apartments to the north. The <br />proposed parking garage would be three stories and include 210 parking spaces that <br />would continue to serve the three surrounding buildings. However, the garage would <br />provide more parking for the buildings than what is currently provided and required for <br />the uses by the zoning code. The proposed garage meets all setback and building height <br />regulations in the Zoning Code. Pedestrian links from the garage north to Delmar <br />Boulevard are proposed as recommended in the 1985 Civic Plaza Master Plan. <br />Appropriate pedestrian access to the south will connect the garage to the COCA building. <br />Mr. Trost explained the floor plans, exterior elevations, and other details. The proposed <br />facades would have vertical channel glass panels, stainless steel cable railings, and solar <br />panels on the roof. <br /> <br />Mr. Trost pointed out that COCA is currently planning an expansion to their existing <br />facility. However, the expansion project is separate from the proposed parking garage <br />and will be presented to the HPC at a later date. It is important to note that the proposed <br />parking garage will serve the COCA facility and provide 128 dedicated parking spaces. <br /> <br />Questions / Comments and Discussion by Historic Preservation Commission <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Was consideration ever given to lower the height of the garage and provide more parking <br />underground? Mr. Trost stated it was, but they were more concerned with meeting a <br />target number of parking spaces based on anticipated demand, which could be met while <br />still meeting setbacks and maximum building height. <br />- <br /> <br />Was the proposed exterior meant to complement the proposed COCA expansion? Mr. <br />Trost stated the intent was not to try to copy the other nearby buildings, but to try to <br />complement the proposed COCA expansion. <br />- <br /> <br />Regarding the rendering looking north, would the proposed building block the view of <br />City Hall from Washington Avenue? Mr. Trost stated that at 35 feet, it would not and it <br />would be significantly shorter than the Castlereagh apartment building. <br />- <br /> <br />Regarding the façade, the previous COCA expansion (2004) was compatible with the <br />original COCA building. It was stated that that garage by itself, without the glass panels, <br />would be preferred in comparison because the glass draws more attention to the structure. <br />The concept of the parking garage at this location is appropriate, but the façade needs to <br />be reconsidered. <br />- <br /> <br />Commission members discussed existing and potential parking issues. Mr. Trost stated <br />that there would be a net gain of 50 to 60 stalls, serving the three buildings. <br />- <br /> <br />There was concern about potential for simultaneous events. <br />- <br /> <br />Did the increase in parking take into account the proposed COCA expansion? Mr. Trost <br />confirmed it did take the expansion into account. <br />- <br /> <br />It appears that the building was designed in isolation with the proposed COCA <br />expansion, rather than with other nearby buildings in mind. It does not seem like a good <br />fit and it stands out, which is not ideal for a parking garage. The Commission is likely to <br />have similar questions for the proposed COCA expansion when it is presented. The <br />proposed garage, as shown, does not enhance the area. <br />tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Ѝ <br /> <br />
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