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<br />Ground Rules for CPAC Group Review of Draft Plan Documents <br />(Per CPAC meeting on July 23, 2015) <br />1. All members shall show respect to each other. <br />2. The moderator shall be considerate of the varying styles of participation – for example, some <br /> members may be reflective while others are reactive. <br />3. The moderator shall stop for periodic “temperature checks” with the committee members, whether <br /> the discussion is on general items or specific items. <br />4. It shall be the role of the moderator to keep members on task and the meeting moving forward. <br />5. The meeting agenda shall include general items for structured discussion and decision-making, and <br />allow for unstructured discussion on specific items. <br />6. Towards the end of each meeting, there shall be a) a recap on the decisions made, b) discussion <br /> about the next steps, and c) a to-do list for the next meeting. <br />7. Each meeting shall have a clearly stated objective. <br />8. It shall be made clear to members which meetings are informational and which are for decision- <br /> making. <br />9. All members shall come to the meetings prepared and fully engaged, having received copies of all <br />materials in advance of each meeting. <br />10. Advance notice of future meeting dates shall be provided. <br />11. Committee members shall respect the will of the majority after each vote on a decision item. It is <br />understood that members may not 100% agree on everything, but will attempt to understand <br />everyone’s opinion thoroughly prior to voting. <br />12. A quorum shall consist of half of the CPAC membership plus one member. The committee shall <br /> reserve the right to reduce the number of active committee members e.g. if there are 14 active <br /> members, a quorum consists of 8 members. <br />13. Committee members will use the “fist to five” method for all voting matters. A five indicates full <br /> support of the matter in question. A fist indicates no support. <br />14. No questions are off-limits as long as they are asked in a respectful manner. <br />15. Phone conferencing for discussion and voting shall be allowed. <br />16. A meeting summary will be provided after each meeting, rather than detailed meeting minutes. <br />17. Robert’s Rules of Order won’t be applicable to the meetings. <br /> <br />