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Session 1891 <br />July 7, 2003 <br /> <br />that it puts these citizens at a greater risk without the mosquito spraying. This is unfair. <br />We should not be telling County how and when they should spray. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe said that we have heard from several authorities and experts and citizens in <br />opposition to mosquito spraying. He remembers a time when we thought DDT was the <br />best chemical to use for weeding. Now we find that it is very harmful. We may learn <br />eventually that permethrin is detrimental to our health. Mr. Sharpe reminded Council <br />that he was the one that initiated the research and discovery on this issue with <br />individuals in his ward. We are not saying that we should never spray. We are saying <br />that we should not consistently spray through a contract with the County. We are only <br />saying that we should spray only if there is some type of logical reason to do so. <br /> <br />Mayor Adams says he does not understand all the issues, however, he does agree that <br />you should do all those other things to try and control the mosquito population, which <br />includes larvaciding and public education. He thinks that this resolution says, and the <br />reason why he disagrees with its proponents, until there is a significant presence, which <br />has not been defined yet, of West Nile before we can spray. It has not been proven that <br />mosquito predators successfully control the mosquito population. <br /> <br />Mr. Lieberman would like to propose that the first "Therefore be it resolved" paragraph, <br />which seems to be key, be amended to read: Therefore be it resolved that the City <br />Council of University City hereby supports the position of St. Louis County Health <br />department relative to their policy on the adulticide spraying. Next he would eliminate <br />the last "Be it further resolved" paragraph. The amendment died for lack of a second. <br /> <br />Mayor Adams said that someone earlier mentioned that the adulticiding did not control <br />the adult population. If the County information was accurate, they said they trapped a <br />large amount of mosquitoes that carried the virus last summer. After they came through <br />and sprayed, their traps showed a significant decrease in the number of those <br />mosquitoes. Are we saying that they are lying and their methods are wrong? <br /> <br />Ms. Welsch wondered how long we needed to discuss this issue. She had no question <br />that if you set up a mosquito trap and catch a number of mosquitoes and then spray in <br />the area of that trap, that the next time you check that trap that there will be less <br />mosquitoes. Her point has been that when you spray through the streets of University <br />City, the pesticide is not reaching the entire population. She feels that it is more <br />important that we strengthen our education program, which Mr. Ollendorff and his staff <br />are doing well, and improve a larvaciding program, as well. <br /> <br />The Mayor asked for a roll call vote. Ayes: Mr. Munkel, Mr. Wagner, Ms. Welsch, Mr. <br />Sharpe. Nays: Ms. Colquitt, Mr. Lieberman, Mayor Adams. The resolution passed four <br />to three. <br /> <br />Page 9 <br /> <br /> <br />