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<br />b. Fiscal Year 2017 Reporting Process <br />Mr. Winer asked Board members for any feedback regarding the quarterly reporting process. <br />Board members agreed that the quarterly reports ask valid questions and metrics should be <br />able to be evaluated through the reporting process. Board indicated that reports were <br />consistent. Board asked staff to provide a quarterly report summary at the beginning of the <br />reports. Staff will begin that process for FY 16 Q4 reports. Mr. Kuhlman indicated that the <br />reports were a result of the Board spending a lot of time determining guidelines and funding for <br />Olive and Delmar projects. He indicated that it is a scientific process and the reports are a result <br />of the process. <br /> <br />c. Forgivable Loan Program - Process <br />Staff presented the EDRST Board with a summary of the forgivable loan program. Staff <br />proposed a possible revision of the program elements. Staff presented two options: <br /> <br /> Provide three $15,000 forgivable loans for a certain retail or restaurant. <br /> <br /> Provide two $25,000 forgivable loans to businesses that could have a potential long-term <br />economic development benefit to U City. <br />The Board voted (4-0) for staff to consider two $25,000 loans. Mr. O’Brien would like to make <br />sure the program is being marketed effectively. Staff indicated they will continue to outreach to <br />property owners and potential new businesses. <br /> <br />d. Olive Boulevard Development – Senn Bierwerks <br />Mr. O’Donnell provided an overview of the new development proposed for the corner of Olive <br />and North and South Boulevards. Mr. O’Donnell purchased the properties from the City to build <br />a 15,000 square foot microbrewery, restaurant, and an outparcel for future development. The <br />Board was pleased with this development on Olive Blvd and indicated that it will be a catalyzed <br />for additional development. <br /> <br />Other Business, Public Comments <br />Ms. Deborah Henderson, 6124 Victoria Avenue, spoke on behalf of the Midtown Farmer’s <br />Market. She inquired about the Olive Farmers Market and the ordinance against more than one <br />Farmers Market in University City. Staff responded that Olive Boulveard is a Community Market, <br />not a full-fledged Farmers Market. An agreement with a local non-profit is in place to activate the <br />corner and provide a place for the non-profit to sell produce they grow. <br />Mr. Kevin Taylor, 7022 Canton Avenue asked the Board about the funding process. He <br />questioned about the EDRST process fits into the City’s overall budget. He also had questions <br />about funding for the Kitchen Space. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />