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<br />New Business: <br />th <br />a. FY 16 4 Quarter Requests <br />Staff provided an overview of the fourth quarter reports. Staff directed Board to review the <br />memo created to provide an overview of all FY 16 projects and funding expenditures. Staff <br />will provide a cover memo for each quarter so Board can track progress of each project. <br />Fund recipients are still required to submit reports for each project funded through EDRST. <br />Mr. Winer asked the Board members if they have any questions or comments related to the <br />th <br />4 quarter reports. Mr. Kuhlman asked about a discrepancy in reporting for the Ice Carnival. <br />Ms. Lloyd said the information would be changed to reflect the minor difference in the <br />reports. Mr. O’Brien inquired about the status of Create Space. Ms. Lloyd indicated that she <br />would reach out to Ms. Li for a status update on Create Space to provide to the Board. <br /> <br />Mr. Lenard asked about the Board’s relation to City Council. Mayor Welsch responded that <br />the Board is advisory to City Council. Mayor Welsch then provided the Board with an update <br />on the FY 17 Economic Development Retail Sales Tax budget. She indicated that all the <br />recommendation projects were funded except Create Space. Some Councilmembers <br />wanted to see additional metrics from Create Space. Mayor Welsch stated that <br />Councilmembers Smotherson, Crow, and Carr did not vote to support Create Space but that <br />Mr. Smotherson had visited and that Ms. Julia Li had met with Crow and Carr. Mr. Lenard <br />inquired about the funds and Mr. Winer stated that the funds would still be available in FY <br />17. Only $450,000 of the $550,000 for programs was allocated. Mr. Lenard stated that <br />Create Space is the type of project the City should be encouraging. It has the ability to <br />provide jobs and to potentially fill vacant spaces on Olive Blvd. Mr. Lenard has facilitated a <br />conversation with the superintendent asking her to contact Ms. Li to coordinate with the <br />school district’s culinary program. Mayor Welsh stated that the Create Space programs was <br />going to have slots available for U City residents and she indicated that she would continue <br />to seek City Council approval of the funds. <br /> <br />Mr. Kuhlman inquired about how the budget was presented to City Council. Ms. Riganti <br />responded that the budget is provided in a memo format with a brief description of each <br />project. EDRST applications have never been provided directly to City Council but have <br />always been available on the City’s website and by request. <br /> <br />Mr. O’Brien asked about the City’s forgivable loan program and how the new process has <br />been established with the two $25,000 loans. Ms. Lloyd responded that one loan of $10,000 <br />was granted to a recipient who had already started the application process prior to the <br />Board changing the criteria. Ms. Lloyd will promote the program as two $20,000 loans and <br />include the façade improvement program as an additional incentive. <br /> <br />b. Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Re-cap <br />Ms. Riganti provided the Board with an overview of the FY 17 budget process including when <br />the City Manager presents a budget to City Council for consideration and the timing of when <br />City Council votes on a budget. Mayor Welsch explained that since the budget was not adopted <br />by City Council, the budget as presented in February goes into effect. The Economic <br />Development Retail Sales Tax budget presented in June was not included in the February <br /> <br /> <br />