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A PENALTY. <br /> <br />The bill was given its second reading. <br />The bill was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Mr. Lieberman moved adoption, and Mr. Munkel seconded the motion. The roll call vote <br />was as follows: AYES: Mr. Munkel, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Lieberman, Ms. Welsch, Mr. <br />Sharpe, Ms. Colquitt, Mayor Adams. NAYS: none. The bill passed and became <br />ordinance number 6440. <br /> <br />EMERGENCY BILL: <br /> <br />1. Mr. Sharpe introduced an emergency bill, entitled: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2.68 OF THE CITY CODE, RELATING <br />TO MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS, BY REPEALING <br />SECTION 2.68.020 THEREOF, RELATING TO FEES FOR USE OF CITY <br />AMBULANCE SERVICE, AND ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW <br />SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS "SECTION 2.68.020 FEES FOR USE OF CITY <br />AMBULANCE SERVICE," THEREBY AMENDING SAID SECTION SO AS TO <br />INCREASE THE BASE FREE FROM FIVE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE <br />DOLLARS ($535) TO SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($600), AND SO AS TO SET A <br />FEE OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS WHEN TREATMENT IS RENDERED BUT <br />NO TRANSPORTATION IS PROVIDED; CONTAINING SAVINGS AND <br />EMERGENCY CLAUSES, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY <br /> <br />The bill was assigned the number 8674 and given its first reading. <br />The bill was given its second reading. <br />The bill was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Mr. Munkel commented that the purpose of the ordinance is to cover the costs of <br />running the ambulance service and providing paramedics. Costs increase <br />continually, and the City operates at below the market price, so this effort places <br />it in line with other commercial and other City services. Mayor Adams added that <br />most of the cost is covered by insurance and by Medicare. <br /> <br />Mr. Munkel moved adoption, and Mr. Sharpe seconded the motion. The roll call <br />vote was as follows: AYES: Mr. Wagner, Mr. Lieberman, Ms. Welsch, Mr. <br />Sharpe, Ms. Colquitt, Mr. Munkel, and Mayor Adams. NAYS: none. The bill <br />passed and became ordinance number 6441. <br /> <br />BILLS FOR INTRODUCTION: <br /> <br />1. Mr. Munkel introduced a bill, entitled: <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2.64 OF THE CITY CODE, RELATING <br />Page 18 <br /> <br /> <br />