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Session 1898 <br />September 29, 2003 <br /> <br />years has dealt effectively with them and will deal with this one, 3) you will be contacted <br />tomorrow to make sure the City has every bit of information that you can supply. Mr. <br />Laster expressed concern that children are terrified about sharing information with the <br />police, and Mr. Ollendorff stressed that it was Mr. Laster who would be contacted to <br />provide as much information as possible to assist the investigation, and that the City will <br />deal with this gang as they have dealt with other ones, effectively. Ms. Colquitt advised <br />that his son might find it easier to come to City Hall than to have a police officer visit him <br />at home for a statement. <br /> <br />BILLS FOR SECOND AND THIRD READINGS <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8671 - AMENDING CHAPTER 9.08 OF THE UNIVERSITY CITY <br />MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC PEACE <br />AND DECENCY, BY REPEALING SECTION 9.08.180 THEREOF, RELATING <br />TO SEXUAL MISCONDUCT, AND ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW <br />SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS "SECTION 9.08.180 SEXUAL MISCONDUCT," <br />THEREBY AMENDING SAID SECTION SO AS TO DELETE THE TERMS <br />"DEVIATE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE" AND "SEXUAL INTERCOURSE" BUT <br />CONTINUE TO INCLUDE SUCH CONDUCT IN THE DEFINITION OF "SEXUAL <br />CONDUCT"; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING A <br />PENALTY. <br /> <br />Mr. Munkel stated that this bill was held over as a result of some questions he <br />raised, but after discussions with the City Attorney, he feels he understands the <br />statements better. His concern was with the traditional sodomy and rape part of <br />the statutes having been omitted, but the City Attorney reminded him that these <br />issues are addressed in other sections of the City Code and never held in <br />Municipal Court. This draft includes items that would be held in City Court. <br />Now that it has been clarified, Mr. Munkel favored proceeding with it. <br /> <br />The bill was given its second reading. <br />The bill was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Mr. Munkel moved to adopt, and Ms. Colquitt seconded the motion. The roll call <br />vote was as follows: AYES- Ms. Colquitt, Mr. Munkel, Mr. Lieberman, Ms. <br />Welsch, Mr. Sharpe, and Mayor Adams. NAYS-none. Bill Number 8671 <br />passed and became Ordinance Number 6442. <br /> <br />BILL NO 8675 - AMENDING CHAPTER 2.64 OF THE CITY CODE, RELATING <br />TO THE NONUNIFORMED EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM, BY <br />REPEALING SECTION 2.64.040 THEREOF, RELATING TO MEMBERSHIP, <br />AND ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SECTION TO BE KNOWS AS <br />"SECTION 2.64.040 MEMBERSHIP, "THEREBY AMENDING SAID SECTION <br /> <br />Page 8 <br /> <br /> <br />