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Session 1900 <br />November 3, 2003 <br /> <br />QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD <br />ON FEBRUARY 3, 2004. <br /> <br />The bill was given its second reading. <br />The bill was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe moved approval and Mr. Munkel seconded the motion. <br /> <br />Mr. Lieberman asked Mr. Ollendorff if he had plans to proceed with much <br />publicity if this measure passed, prior to it becoming a ballot issue. He stressed <br />the need for the case to be put intelligently to the voters because of its <br />importance. Mr. Ollendorff responded that an article is being prepared currently <br />to explain the facts of the matter to appear in the CityScape publication, as well <br />as news releases to explain facts to reporters, and then he asked if the Council <br />thought a direct mail piece was needed closer to the election. <br /> <br />The roll call vote was as follows: AYES:- Mr. Sharpe, Ms. Colquitt, Mr. Munkel, <br />Mr. Wagner, Mr. Lieberman, Ms. Welsch and Mayor Adams. NAYS: - none. Bill <br />Number 8692 passed unanimously and became Ordinance Number 6460. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8693 - VACATING AND SURRENDERING THE RIGHT-OF-WAY <br />BETWEEN 1063 ROTH AVENUE AND 6975 OLIVE BLVD., BUT RESERVING <br />ANY PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS, AND DIRECTING THAT THIS <br />ORDINANCE BE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF <br />DEEDS OF ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI <br /> <br />The bill was given its second reading. <br />The bill was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Ms. Colquitt moved approval and Ms. Welsch seconded the motion. The roll call <br />vote was as follows: AYES:- Ms. Colquitt, Mr. Munkel, Mr. Wagner, Mr. <br />Lieberman, Ms. Welsch, Mr. Sharpe and Mayor Adams. NAYS: - none. Bill <br />Number 8684 was passed unanimously and became Ordinance Number 6461. <br /> <br />BILLS FOR INTRODUCTION: <br /> <br />1. A bill (EMERGENCY) was introduced by Mr. Munkel, entitled: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, MISSOURI <br />TO ISSUE NOT TO EXCEED $6,000,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF <br />INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (WINCO <br />REDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. PROJECT), SERIES 2003, TO PAY <br />THE COSTS OF A PROJECT FOR AND ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br /> <br />