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4. Americans with Disability Act Grievance Procedures <br />The City‘s adoption of a policy on ADA procedures, and grievance form and <br />notice. <br />5. Ms. Ricci asked that the extension of the contract for the audit services used by <br />University City be pulled for review and discussion. <br />Mr. Wagner moved for the approval of the consent calendar, items one through <br />four, seconded by Mr. Sharpe, Jr., and was approved unanimously. <br />5. The extension of the contract for the audit services used by University City. A <br />copy of the contract with Hochschild, Bloom & Company LLP was given to the <br />Council for review. Audit cost for FY 08 would be $36,900, for FY 09 would be <br />$38,400 and for FY 10 would be $40,000. <br />Ms. Brot moved for the approval of the extension of the contract with Hochschild, <br />Bloom & Company, seconded by Mr. Sharpe, Jr. and was passed unanimously. <br />I. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT <br />1.Site Plan Review Permit for 7206 – 7216 Balson, Aging Well Healthcare <br />expansion in the rear. <br />Ms. Brot moved for approval, seconded by Mr. Glickert and was passed <br />unanimously. <br />2.Conditional Use Permit for 7213 Delmar – Winslow’s Home represented by Ann <br />Lipton, to expand the restaurant seating outdoor and add basement meeting <br />room. <br />Ms. Ricci moved for approval, seconded by Mr. Wagner and was passed <br />unanimously. <br />3. Proposed fees and charges for recreation program <br />Parks & Recreation Director Ms. MacCartney explained that once a year the <br />Parks’ Commission reviews the profitability of existing programs and what the <br />market is doing. The Parks’ Commission makes recommendations to the <br />Council as part of the budget planning process. <br />Mr. Sharpe, Jr. moved for approval, seconded by Ms. Brot and was passed <br />unanimously. <br />J. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> BILL 8981 — <br />An ordinance authorizing the City of University City to accept 6649, <br />6637, 6621 Bartmer and 6630 and 6600 Crest from St. Louis County, Missouri for <br />redevelopment and in accordance with University City’s Northeast neighborhood <br />plan for building of new Single Family residences. <br /> <br />