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<br />BILLS OF MUNICIPAL INTEREST THAT PASSED: <br /> <br /> ... <br />IMMIGRATION BILL The immigration bill, S.S.H.C.S.H.B. 1549, passed after several <br />amendments supported by the MML. This bill: <br /> <br />1) Prohibits municipal sanctuary policies (which are figments of someone's imagination); <br />2) Each law enforcement officer must be given written notice of duty to cooperate with the state <br />and federal government's enforcement of immigration laws; <br />3) Unlawful aliens shall not receive any public benefit. We successfully amended the bill to <br />delete provisions requiring proof of citizenship before receiving any city license; <br />4) Anyone who receives a public contract over $5,000 must participate in the federal work <br />authorization program. All public employers shall enroll and participate in the federal work <br />authorization program. <br />5) The Attorney General may direct a city to suspend or revoked the business license of any <br />business that violates the law; and <br />6) Unlawful aliens may not be granted bail when arrested for crimes. <br /> <br />The MML amendment to provide state indemnification of local officials who enforce this statute <br />was deleted from the bill by Senator Rupp, the Senate sponsor. <br /> <br /> ... <br />SALES TAX HOLIDAYS.B. 1181 establishes a new state sales holiday from April 19-25, on <br />energy efficient (energy star certified) appliances up to $1,500 per appliance. The tax holiday <br />applies only to the state sales tax, but municipalities may "opt in" to the holiday by adopting an <br />ordinance and sending it to the Dept. of Revenue 45 days before the holiday. The "opt in" <br />provision was a victory for the MML. Please thank Sen. Engler and Rep. Sutherland for the "opt <br />in" provision. A separate state sales tax holiday for any item up to $600 per item failed to pass. <br /> <br /> ... <br />PROPERTY TAXESS.B. 711 (Gibbons) requires political subdivisions, in the year of <br />reassessment, to roll back tax rates from the current rate, rather than the tax rate ceiling if the <br />current rate is lower than the ceiling. In a non-reassessment year, the rate can be increased to <br />the ceiling. Also, each political subdivision must provide the county with an estimated tax rate by <br />April 8 annually (after the county provides data on assessed valuation) or be compelled to <br />reduce the tax rate by 20 percent. The estimated tax rate requirement will take effect in charter <br />counties in 2009 and in other counties in 2011. We will have a detailed article in the Missouri <br />Municipal Review. <br /> <br /> ... <br />THIRD CLASS CITIES EXPENDITURE PROCEDURESS.C.S.H.B. 1804 was passed and <br />provides that in third class cities "the budget or any authorization to expend funds shall be <br />approved by an ordinance, resolution, or motion that is approved by a majority of all the <br />members elected to the governing body." We suspect that most third class cities do this now. <br /> <br />BILLS OF MUNICIPAL INTEREST THAT DID NOT PASS: <br /> <br /> ... <br />LANDLORD/TENANT JOINT LIABILITY FOR WATER/SEWER BILLSThe MML thwarted <br />numerous efforts by Rep. Mike McGhee to repeal the authority for municipalities to hold the <br />property owner and renter jointly liable for delinquent water and sewer bills. On the last night of <br />the Session, Senator Jeff Smith prevented Rep. McGhee from amending Smith's bill on the <br />House floor. Reps. Jake Zimmerman and Tom Villa strongly supported our position. Please <br />thank Sen. Smith and Reps. Zimmerman and Villa. <br /> <br /> ... <br />RED LIGHT CAMERASIn the last week, Rep. Portwood amended a large transportation bill <br />to effectively prohibit municipalities from utilizing red light enforcement cameras. His <br /> <br />
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