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groups to discuss their biggest surprise, their biggest concern, and the various <br />imperatives to improving student academic achievement. Most were surprised by the <br />precarious financial outlook for the District, the condition of most of the school facilities <br />and how close the District is in losing full state accreditation. Despite the news, most <br />citizens seemed ready to roll up their sleeves to find ways to improve the situation and <br />were grateful the District had been transparent in discussing the reality it is facing in the <br />coming years. The next meeting will be to get the community’s input on student <br />achievement and will be held on Wednesday, August 13 at Brittany Woods Middle <br />School from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. A repeat of this session will be held the following <br />Saturday at Julia Goldstein on August 16 at 9:30 am.Council Members are <br />encouraged to attend. <br />In Green School News, the City is recycling our recycling bins (the ones citizens used <br />before getting their single stream recycling carts). In the coming week, the Department <br />of Public Works will provide around 200 bins to the University City School District. Each <br />This isrecycling at its best! <br />room will receive a bin for paper recycling. The recycling <br />bins will be reused and the kids will begin to recycle in such a way that it will become <br />second nature to them. I hope that this habit will carryover at home and recycling rates <br />will increase citywide --a win for the school district, a win for the City, and win for the <br />planet. <br />In other Green News, the Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry has applied to <br />the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Recreational Trail Program for a <br />Centennial Greenway trail <br />$100,000 grant to build .18 miles of the with pervious <br />concrete. Pervious concrete allows water to permeate the surface into the soil: “when it <br />rains it drains”. The proposed portion of trail will run from Groby Road north between <br />the golf course and the back of Brittany Woods Middle School to behind Tee #1. It will <br />enter Ruth Park Woods and meander across three bridges to McKnight Rd. It will head <br />north to Olive to intersect with the trail under construction at I-170. Great Rivers <br />Greenway will strongly consider in future fiscal years contributing $375,000 toward the <br />project. The City will contribute $25,000, which will cover about one-half the planning <br />and construction management costs. <br />home improvement day <br />The Department of Community Development is coordinating a <br />on August 18 from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM The purpose of the home improvement day is to <br />provide yard work, cleaning, painting, and other beautification services to University City <br />seniors or individuals with disabilities. Five to six properties within walking distance of <br />each other will be selected for the event. To be considered for assistance or to <br />volunteer, please contact Andrea Riganti by August 5. An application for individuals <br />interested in receiving volunteer service is included in your packet. <br />National Night Out is Tuesday, August 5 <br /> from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. This year in <br />Heman Park, the opening ceremony will kick off at 6:15 PM. The Police Focus Groups <br />will host neighborhood watch units free burgers, hot dogs and drinks. There will be <br />modern dancers and a disc jockey to entertain the crowd. As always, we will have the <br />Fire Safe House, McGruff the Crime Dog and display tables on crime prevention, <br />including free gunlocks, fingerprint kits and Job Corps information. This will also be a <br /> <br />