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RESOLUTION # 1 <br /> <br /> The matter of establishing a Neighborhood Improvement District in Pershing Heights <br />SUbdivision was considered. <br /> After review and general discussion of the matter, Councilmember W~ <br />offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption. <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED: That the Council of the City of University City, Missouri finds and <br />declares as follows: <br /> <br />1. Pershing Heights Subdivision is a subdivision in the City of University City. <br /> <br />On January 20, 2004, a proper petition for the creatiOn of a neighborhood improvement <br />district within the subdivision was filed with the City Clerk. <br /> <br />The petition was signed by the owners of record of at least two-thirds by area of all real <br />property located within the proposed neighborhood improvement district. <br /> <br />The project name for the proposed improvement is the "Pershing Heights Subdivision <br />Improvement Project". <br /> <br />The general nature of the proposed improvement is as follows: <br /> a. Renovation and repaving of the alley east of Pennsylvania from Roberts and <br /> Raymond Avenue. <br /> <br />6. The estimated cost of the proposed improvement is $40,370.00. <br /> <br />The boundaries of the proposed neighborhood improvement district to be assessed are as <br />indicated on the attached plat marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. The legal <br />description of the proposed neighborhood improvement district is Lots 14 through 20 of <br />Block 4 of Pershing Heights. The area is generally known as the alley east of the 1200 <br />Block of Pennsylvania between the 6900 Blocks of Roberts and Raymond Avenue. The <br />square footage of the property within the proposed neighborhood improvement district <br />is approximately 3,744.3 square feet or .085 acres. <br /> <br />The cost of any improvement to be assessed against the property in the neighborhood <br />improvement district shall be apportioned against such property in accordance with the <br />benefits accruing thereto by reason of such improvement. The method of assessment is <br />for the cost of the: <br /> a, Renovation and repaving of the alley to improve drivability and provide an <br /> improved roadway surface for Residents, and <br /> b. Improvements include (1) reconstruction of the alley consisting of a minimum <br /> of seven inches (7") of a premium-quality concrete-mix on an appropriate <br /> crushed stone base to promote extended life of the alley surface, (2) relocation <br /> <br /> <br />