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I felt that the newspapers made some significant points on color and to permit some <br />flexibility, the ordinance has been revised to permit me to authorize non-neutral colors <br />on new applications on a case-by-case basis. The decision being guided by the colors <br />requested, the box location, contextual aesthetic and safety considerations, and a <br />company’s branding or trademark history, among other relevant factors. Should the <br />Council disagree with this, legal counsel believes that the ordinance can be lawfully <br />changed to permit only neutral colors. We believe the revised ordinance serves the <br />City’s regulatory purpose in a manner that balances the City’s aesthetic, safety, and <br />cost-recovery interests with the First Amendment rights of the newspaper industry, and <br />we recommend its passage. The ordinance will return to the Council during your <br />September 22 meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions in advance. <br /> <br />School District: <br />sub-committee with the <br />Last night, the Board of Education adopted a policy to form a <br />City. <br /> The Board’s action was simply to authorize the formation of a committee. The <br />actual structure and objectives of the committee are to be determined. Our school <br />district liaison, Petree Eastman, will contact Council Members to generate feedback for <br />participation with the District. <br />Ms. Margaret Williams <br />Last week University City School District’s was named <br />Missouri’s Teacher of Year <br /> for 2008-2009. Williams is a 37-year veteran educator. <br />For the past 18 years, she taught Honors U.S. Government, U.S. History, World History, <br />and the African American Experience to students at UCHS. She is also the social <br />studies department chair and coach of the school’s award-winning Mock Trial Team. <br />Williams earned a BS degree from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and a Masters <br />degree from Webster University. <br />Destination U City Schools will hold its third Community Engagement Meeting <br /> on <br />Tuesday, September 9, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at McNair Administration Building, <br />8136 Groby Road to discuss what grade configuration model would be best of U City <br />students. They will also clarify the programmatic components of Pathway II designed to <br />improve academic achievement, presented at the second Community Engagement <br />meeting held in August. A repeat of the Tuesday session will be held on Saturday, <br />September 13 at Julia Goldstein Early Childhood Center, 737 Kingsland Ave, from 9:30 <br />AM -11:30 AM. <br />September 20: Walk to Celebrate Women Who Run at Shaw Parkin Clayton <br /> <br />The Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life at UM-St. Louis invites you to attend <br />"Women Walk Before They Run," sponsored by Advantage Capital Partners and hosted <br />by Clayton Mayor Linda Goldstein. Join women and men of all ages to show your <br />support for women's leadership and the importance of civic engagement. Walk and talk <br />with female elected officials, learn about opportunities to get involved in your <br />community, exercise your body and your mind! Registration begins at 8:15 AM. Walk <br />starts at 9AM in Shaw Park at Brentwood and Forsyth Boulevards. Cost is $20 in <br />advance, $25 the day of the event ($15 for young walkers age 7-18). Proceeds will help <br />underwrite the 21st Century Leadership Academy, a weeklong residential leadership <br />program for college students. "Women Walk" is held annually in a community governed <br />by a woman mayor. For more information or to register, call (314) 516-4727 or visit <br /> exercise your body and your mind! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />