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<br />To: Honorable Mayor Adams and Council <br />From: Julie Feier, City Manager <br />Date: January 9, 2009 <br />Subject: Weekly Update <br />The 2010 Census will be the most important financial enterprise for the Cityin the <br />next ten years. <br /> As you know, much of our income is generated on a per capita basis. The <br />census data generated in the spring of 2010 will affect our bottom line for the coming decade. <br />We need to mount an education campaign in the coming year to encourage maximum occupancy <br />of our rental housing units. I hope that with ample notice we can avoid large construction <br />projects or downtime during this critical period. This Saturday at 10AM, the U.S. Census Bureau <br />will host an Open House at the Kappa Alpha Si Foundation Building, 500 N. Vandeventer. <br />Community leaders will speak on the importance of the Census and the plans for the coming 18 <br />months. The Census Bureau is now hiring for the effort, contact them at 1-866-861-2010 or at <br /> <br />Preserve Missouri Award <br />I am pleased to announce that the City received the from Missouri <br />Preservation for the preservation and rehabilitation of City Hall. Mayor Adams will receive the <br />award on behalf of the City in the Missouri Capitol Rotunda, Thursday March 5 at 11 AM. <br />Please let me know if you are interested in attending. <br />Traffic Commission <br />At the meetings of November 12 and December 10, the Traffic <br />Commissioners recommended that the following three items be reviewed by the City Council: <br />1. <br />Prohibit through traffic at all times on Liberty Avenue between Hanley and the north city <br />limits (from the 11/12/08 meeting). <br />2. <br />Install a stop sign on Canton Ave. at Mendell Drive (from the 12/10/08 meeting). <br />3. <br />The Commission met numerous times to discuss parking concerns on Northmoor. As <br />private vehicles continue to grow, there is a constriction for the passage of trash and fire <br />apparatus. <br />On the issue of parking along Northmoor (#3) suggestions have varied from no parking on one <br />side (north or south), to installation of ā€œsā€ curbs (rolled curbs) to allow parking on the curb itself. <br />After assessment, for the ā€œsā€ curbs to be effective it would require reduction of tree lawns and <br />removal of trees to gain the required thirty feet. This would negatively affect the neighborhood <br />aesthetic and takeaway from the safety of pedestrians. Staff cannot advocate reducing one safety <br />hazard through the implementation of another. In addition, the cost estimates were completed <br /> <br />