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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 14 <br /> <br />read ~'not exceeding the sum of $500.00 for each such violation" if this <br />meets with Mr. Boisseau's approval. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman stated that in view of the continued amendments he would sug- <br />gest that the motion and second before the Council be withdrawn and have <br />Councilman Lahrmann submit his views and if there is any sympathy toward <br />them it can be embodied in the original motion and second. Councilman Baris <br />pointed out that if Councilman Stake withdraws his second and Councilman <br />Baris withdraws his motion there is nothing before the Council for considera- <br />tion. The Mayor suggested that merely the second be withdrawn. Councilman <br />Stake withdrew his second. <br /> <br />Councilman Baris said he believes it would be proper for Councilman Lahrmann <br />to make an amendment to the amendment. <br /> <br />Councilman Lahrmann said he would like to amend the suggested amendments to <br />Bill No. 5790 so that Section 902.1, eighth paragraph, would have a graduating <br />fee, namely for merchandise vending machines using from 1¢ to 4¢ as a unit of <br />sale a fee of $1.00; from 5¢ up to but not including 25¢, $2.50; and for 25¢ <br />and over, $5.00. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman asked whether there is a second. <br /> <br />Councilman Greeson said she would like to make one comment about this - she <br />said she doesn't know that the $10.00 might be high, but it seems to her that <br />the sliding scale is no reason for basing it on the gross receipts at all <br />and she said there is no reason to think that a nickle machine won't sell as <br />much as a dime machine. Discussion continued, <br /> <br />Mayor liaufman again asked ~ether there is a second. There was no response <br />and the Mayor said that hearing no second the motion to amend the suggested <br />amendments failed. <br /> <br />Councilman Stake said that he seconds the original motion to amend Bill No, <br />5790. Question arose as to whether this motion includes Councilman Tandler's <br />suggestion concerning deletion of the word ~architects'~ in Section 902.2. <br />~1ayor Kaufman said this was not before the Council at the time the original <br />motion was submitted, and the Mayor suggested that Councilman Tandler make <br />a motion at this time. <br /> <br />Councilman Tandler moved that the suggested amendment to Bill No. 5790 be <br />amended as follows: that the term "architects~ be deleted from Section 902.2. <br />I~otion seconded by Councilman Stake, <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufraan suggested that the question be posed. The Mayor requested that <br />all in favor of Councilman Tandler's motion to amend the suggested amendments <br />to Bill No. 5790 say "aye~ whereupon, the following vote was recorded: AYES: <br />Councilmen Soule, Stake, G~eeson, Baris, Tand!er. NAYS: Councilman Lahrmaz~n <br />and Mayor Kaufman. f~SENT: None. The motion therefore carried. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman called for a vote on the motion and second on the floor on the <br />original suggested amendments:- Councilman Lahrmann asked whether this is <br />Councilman Baris' motion and the Mayor answered affirmatively. Mayor Kaufman <br />again called for a vote and the motion was unanimously carried. <br /> <br />Councilman Lahrmann said he would like to offer another amendment by making a <br /> <br /> <br />