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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 15 <br /> <br />motion at this time to amend Section 901.15 by adding a new subsection <br />thereto to be subsection 12 thereof, said new subsection 12 to read as <br />follows: <br /> <br />"The gross receipts for tax purposes up~der this section for <br />any merchant whose home office or main office is located in <br />University City shall be the total gross receipts of said <br />merchant reduced by the amount actually paid by said merchant <br />to any other city for merchants' gross receipts taxes or special <br />license fees, provided, however, that said reduction in no event <br />shall exceed the amount of gross receipts from said company in <br />said other cities in which a merchants~ gross receipts tax or <br />special license fee is paid." <br /> <br />Councilman Lahrmann said he thinks an exception was made when this matter <br />was considered and no longer take gross receipts for real estate people <br />and insurance people, meaning the gross amount of the policy written or the <br />amount of real estate transferred, so that there is an exception there, and <br />he said he is happy this was done because it is just. In turn, however, he <br />stated, there are some businesses which are located in University City and <br />who operate in other cities and must pay the equivalent of a merchants' license <br />in ~t~ose cities in order for them to add to their gross receipts. He said <br />where they, in turn, have to pay that fee in order to add to their gross re- <br />ceipts he would like to see the Council give them credit for that not to <br />exceed $1'.00 per $1000 which is the City's base -- in other words, if a <br />city charges them 5¢ per $1000 University City can collect an additional <br />95¢ on it, but if a city charges them $2.00 per $1000 University City will <br />at least give them credit for $1.00 on the $1000 merchandise. Councilman <br />Tandler said he thinks this is just and enables University City to have some <br />home offices or main offices of companies without being subject to double <br />taxation, and therefore, he said, he would like to have this added to sub- <br />section 12, section 901.15. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman asked whether there is a second. <br /> <br />Councilman Tandler inquired of Councilman Lahrmann whether he is intending <br />to include various license fees such as construction permits, inspection <br />fees and Councilman Lahrmal~n answered that is not intended to be the same as <br />a merchant's license tax. <br /> <br />I.Iayor Kaufman said there is a motion on the floor and he asked whether there <br />is a second. There was no response, whereupon the Mayor said absent a second <br />the motion fails. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman asked whether any member of the Council desires to move the <br />adoption of the bill, whereupon Councilman Baris pointed out the bill has not <br />had the sufficient number of readings. <br /> <br />Bill No. 5790 As £~nended was given its second reading. <br /> <br />Bill i~o. 5790 As Amended was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Councilman Tandler moved adoption of Bill No. 5790 As C~ended as an Ordinance. <br />Motion seconded by Councilman Baris. Upon roll call, the following vote was <br />r~corded: AYES: Councilmen Soule, Stake, Greeson, Baris, Tandler and Mayor <br /> <br /> <br />