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Session 589, Minutes Page 16 <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Kaufman. NAYS: Councilman Lahrmann. ABSENT~ None. The motion therefore <br />carried and Bill No. 5790 As f~ended was adopted as Ordinance No. 3772. <br />Councilman Lahrmann requested that the minutes reflect that he voted <br />for the reason in his introducing the two amendments -- that he introduced <br />two amendments and they lost, and that is one of the reasons for his voting <br />"no': on this bill. The iiayor stated the minutes would so show. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 5791 (~ ~,2i~V~D~ - f}iEiIDIUG A~ICLE.302 RELATYi~ TO ~OYLER OPEF~,TORS: <br />The City Manager stated that Bill No. 5791 relates to boiler operators. He <br />said this particular bill has to be reviewed at this time because under the <br />old business licensing code it was an article of that code and the Conmittee <br />has recommended its incorporation in Chapter VII which relates to air pollution <br />controls and matters of that type. Actually, the City Manager said, the <br />original bill as submitted by the Committee, in December, and in addition <br />two sets of amendments-- an amendment that changed subsection 3 -- that is <br />suggested amendments to Bill No. 5791 -- includes extensive changes in sub- <br />section 3 of the original bill. Subsequent ~aendments, dated January 26th, <br />merely replaces the words "Civil Service Board': with the words "City Council~' <br />in subsection 3 of the original bill. Otherwise, the first two sections ~o <br />the amendments of the bill are the same, he said. <br /> <br />Councilman Tandler said that with respect to the longer version of the amend- <br />ments he believes that the first section of amendment number 3 should read, <br />~'Cm~end Section 702.22, subsection 3, by striking therefrom the first and <br />second paragraph.." because the two paragraphs that follow this sentence <br />actually do substitute for tize first and second paragraph~ and not just the <br />first paragraph of the bill before the Council. Discussion followed. <br /> <br />Councilman Tandler moved that the suggested amendments to Bill No, 5791 be <br />adopted prior to final action on the bill. Upon inquiry by Mayor Kaufman, <br />Councilman Tandler said he has reference to the longer version of the amend- <br />ments prior to the meeting of January 25th (this version has no date on it) <br />and he reviewed those suggested amendments. *Please s~e other side <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman asked whether there is a second. Motion seconded by Councilman <br />Barls. <br /> <br />Councilman Soule said he thinks one of the amendments now being suggested will <br />definitely have an adverse effect on this City and would not give University <br />City the protection it needs with respect to boiler operators. He said he <br />doesn't feel it is as broad or covers the specific issue the Council has under <br />discussion at least on this particular point -- he added that he thinks there <br />is a difference certainly between any other unlawful act and an immoral act. <br />He asserted that the Council does have that power and should retain that power <br />in dealing with the public which these operators do to a limited extent, and <br />certainly would be no different than a private watchman that is licensed or <br />even a step further, which may be a little more removed, tavern operators, <br />Councilman Soule said he strongly believes this is a matter that the Council <br />should retain its jurisdiction over. Discussion continued. <br /> <br />Councilman Soule stated that he and Councilman Tandler apparently have a very <br />different opinion of what the ordinance does say and Councilman Tandler may be <br />correct in his interpretation, but at the same time, under the amendment as <br />suggested by Councilman Tand!er unless a person were actually convicted under <br />that ordinance, this Council could not do anything even though there was an <br /> <br /> <br />