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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 17 <br /> <br />ir~noral act perpetrated. On the other hand, he said, this would be similar <br />to the tavern owner's license who, even though the City Court does not find <br />guilty of a violation, the Council can still revoke his permit, and Council- <br />man Soule said he thinks it is a very analogous situation in that respect. <br /> <br />Councilman Tandler said he wonders whether the Council would prefer to vote <br />on this section by section, or en toto, so that anyone objecting to paragraph <br />3 has an opportunity to agree to the others if he is so inclined. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman pointed out that the motion covered all three sections~. The <br />Mayor asked whether it is the desire of the Council to take these sections <br />up independently as apparently the only section at i~ue is section 3. Mayor <br />Kaufman suggested that the Council vote on the first two suggested amendments~ <br />whereupon Councilman Tandler said his motion covered them. Motion seconded <br />by Councilman Baris and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />The Mayor said the Council would now return to suggested amendment number 3. <br />Councilman Tandler again pointed out that his motion covered all three sug- <br />gested amendments, but in order to clarify it, he again moved that suggested <br />amendment number 3 to Bill 17o. 5791 be adopted. The Mayor asked whether there <br />is a second. Motion seconded by Councilman Baris. <br /> <br />Councilman Lahrmann pointed out that the original ordinance states "has <br />violated the laws of the State of Missouri or the ordinances of this City <br />or is immoral or incompetent~' and Councilman Lahrmann said that it doesn't <br />necessarily mean that the man be proven immoral -- if the Council had evidence <br />of the fact -- suspected him -- then the Council could remove him under the <br />old ordinance. <br /> <br />~ayor Kaufman said there is a motion and a second and he asked whether there <br />is any further discussion. <br /> <br />Councilman Stake said he might point out on that that he thinks he would vote <br />against this change for the reason that he thinks it would be dangerous to <br />the community -- very much as Councilman Soule said -- there might be a kno%a~ <br />sex offender, for example, in the City of St. Louis, convicted many times, <br />and be a janitor in University City and his license couldn't be revoked even <br />though that was acknowledged. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman asked whether the Council is ready for the question, and he said <br />that all those in favor should vote "aye" - those opposed "nay.'~ Upon roll <br />call, the following vote was recorded: AYES: Councilmen Greeson, Baris, Tandler, <br />and Mayor Kaufman. NAYS: Councilmen Soule~ Stake and Lahrmann. C~SENT: None. <br />The motion therefore carried. Councilman Soule, Councilman Stake and Council- <br />man Lahrmann requested that the minutes reflect their expressions for voting <br />~no,~ as heretofore stated. So was the order. <br /> <br />Bill tlo. 5791 As Amended was given its second reading. <br />Bill No. 5791 As ~ended was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Councilman Tandler moved that Bill No. 5791 As f=.~ended be adopted as an ordin- <br />ance. Motion seconded by Councilman Baris. Upon roll call, the following vote <br />was recorded: AYES: Councilmen Greeson, Baris, Tandler and Mayor Kaufman. <br />I~AYS: Councilmen Soule, Stake and Lahrmann. f~SE!]T: None. The motion there- <br /> <br /> <br />