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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 18 <br /> <br />fore carried and Bill No. 5791 As Amended was adopted as Ordinance No. 3773. <br />Councilman Soule, Councilman Stake and Councilman Lahrmann again requested <br />that the minutes reflect their reasons for voting ~no" as heretofore stated. <br />So was the order. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 5800 - CONDEMNII~ PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC PARK, PLAYGROUND ~'~D <br />P~C?~ATIONAL PURPOSES: <br /> <br />~ayor Kaufman called attention to a memorandum, copies of which had been sub- <br />mitted to members of the Council by the administrative forces, suggesting an <br />amendment to Bill No. 5800 by striking out the description of the property <br />therein set forth, and substituting the following description: <br /> <br />:'Lot 47 and west half of Lot 46 of Central Suburb, recorded <br />in Plat Book 7, Page 23 in Recorder of Deeds Office of the <br />City of St. Louis, fronting Eight Hundred Eighty-two and 87/100 <br />(882.87') feet, more or less, on the east side of Gay Avenue, <br />fronting One Thousand and Three and 63/100 (1003.63') feet, <br />more or less, on the south side of Blacl~erry Avenue, also known <br />as Blackberry Lane, and bounded on the east by Devonshire Sub- <br />division, and on the south by West University Subdivision and <br />Fairbrook Subdivision, containing 18.843 acres, more or less.'~ <br /> <br />Councilman Greeson moved that Bill No. 5800 be amended accordingly. Motion <br />seconded by Councilman Baris and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />}{r. H. Ziercher, attorney, asked to be recognized, which request was granted. <br />Mr. Ziercher stated that he is appearing on behalf of Mr. Samuel Rich and ~ir. <br />Samuel Ladd who contracted to purchase the property in question on January 19, <br />1960. Mr. Ziercher stated that no one recognizes better than ~e the right of <br />the City to condemn private property for public purposes. He said Mr. Rich <br />and I~r. Ladd caused the property to be engineered to an extent where it would <br />be proper for them to take the matter up with the City Plan Commission and <br />they had in mind dividing the property, which consists of 18 or 19 acres, into <br />65 lots and improving the lots with houses in the $30,000 class. <br /> <br />Mr. Ziercher said he wonders whether it would not be the better part of wisdom <br />perhaps to hold a public meeting and check the feeling of the people of this <br />community with respect to a Bond Issue at this time for the purpose of appro- <br />priating this property for public use. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman explained that the proposal to acquire the property by condemna- <br />tion is part of the Plan which the City has adopted and is on the map -- that <br />public hearings were held on the Plan and recoranendation came from the City <br />Plan Commission and was acted upon favorably by the Council. <br /> <br />Mr. Ziercher said he is aware of this, but he is WOndering whether it is <br />proper to hold the property off the market indefinitely if the citizens of <br />University City want to reject the proposition repeatedly. Mayor I~ufman <br />pointed out there were ten or eleven other items on that identical Bond Issue <br />and the proposition was voted on only once. <br /> <br />Upon inquiry by Mayor Kaufman, the City Manager said this matter would be before <br />the Council from the City Plan Commission next week. The Mayor said he does <br />not think there would be any objection to holding this matter off until such <br />time as Mr. Ziercher makes his appearance and there will be no further reading <br />of Bill No. 5800 As ;~ended tonight until Mr. Ziercher makes his presentation. <br />In other words, the Mayor said, Mr. Ziercher would be before the Council next <br /> <br /> <br />