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Session 1105, l~inutes <br />June 16, 1975 <br /> <br />Page 10 <br /> <br />said that he has seen the Daniel Boone program grow and there are areas <br />that will need to be evaluated, and he is sure they can come up with a good <br />program this year. He reviewed a study which was made of (1) the total <br />number of activities, (2) the number of paid activity directors, and the <br />number of volunteers plus the number of hours for the program year, and (3) <br />as well as the number of informational flyers, total of flyers distributed, <br />Newsletters and number distributed and other communications. <br /> <br />l~s. Abbey ti. Cobbs, chairman of the U. Forest Commtn%ity School Council ex- <br />pressed appreciation for the City Council's past support of Community School <br />activities. She urged the Council to fund the program. She said the students <br />participating would like to have the gym open for more preteen and teenage <br />activities. <br /> <br />Councilman Weissenburger, addressing himself to l~s. Cobbs, asked whether <br />he is correct in his understanding that they are basing their budget request <br />on $4519 from the City, $3052 from the federal governraent and only $25 from <br />the School District. I~s. Cobbs explained that is correct - the $25 would <br />cover General Publicity. Discussing this, Councilman Lieberman pointed out <br />that is not the only contribution from the School District, and he called upon <br />I~. Sutton to explain the breakdo~,ra. <br /> <br />~,irs. Penny Bradshaw said the Senior Citizens have been the most active group <br />at Pershing and the Community School Office has helped coordinate services <br />for them and Community volunteers have made many activities possible. She <br />discussed a Pershing pre-application for social services through Federal <br />grants (to HEW) to follow up on the Community Development Funds that they <br />have already received. She said in the new Center they would like to initi- <br />ate an even fuller program to serve the community. <br /> <br />Dr. i;~ynard Engebretson, speaking for the Pershing Community School, said he <br />would like to make clear the reason why their budget is larger titan the past <br />year. l.iost of the budget has to do with the salaries of the Activit~y Direct- <br />or and the BuildinE Coordinator. He said because the facility will be open <br />year round, including weekends, they plan more hours per program; he said re- <br />quests have been coming in from residents for new programs and the Pershing <br />Community Council has recommended some new programs. Also, I~. Engebretson <br />continued, it has been found that there are a nu~oer of residents in the <br />Pershing area who do not have children in school and are not involved in <br />community activities thio are not aware of the services of the Pershing Com- <br />munity School. Once they are made aware of it, they begin to participate and <br />it is felt that there should be some extensive publicity. He said it will <br />be noted in the budget that it is lower than they would need for the number <br />of programs, and this is due to the fact that they are projecting an income <br />by chargimg fees for some of the programs. For next year, he went on. they <br />are projecting 500 volunteer hours. He said they also plan some fund-raising <br />programs for special equipment. In response to a question by Councilman <br />Weissenburger, lk. Engebretson discussed the status of their construction <br />project. <br /> <br />Councilman ~rner asked whether any presentation has been made to the School <br />District for additional funds for '75-'76 and Ilr. Engebretson answered nega- <br />tively, explaining that the School District, as part of the arrangement, have <br />agreed to pay for maintenance and cleaning of that area and the ~aintenance <br />Department has agreed to do a number of things, free of charge, such as in- <br />staliing additional capacity of the electrical box; and it will also be nec- <br />essary to do some renovation of lavatory facilities. <br /> <br /> <br />