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Session 1105, !kinutes <br />June 16, 1975 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />Mrs. Eddie l~e Harris said she is a resident of the Nathaniel Ilawthorne <br />School District, not a parent, and she explained that th±s is important be- <br />cause at a Community School meeting they decided to try to get people in the <br />group who were parents, but more so, to get those who are not parents, l~rs. <br />Harris discussed the various programs and types of programs which they hope <br />to add next year. She urged the Council to fund the Hawthorne Community <br />School. <br /> <br />Councilman Uerner discussed with ~. Sutton the need for an assistant to the <br />Director ($6500) and a Clerk-Typist (around $4,000). ~. Sutton stated <br />that the Community School Programs are very effective in cutting down juvenile <br />delinquency and it was felt funds should be allocated in this direction as <br />opposed to spending money on Police Cadets. <br /> <br />Councilman Werner said there are many citizen groups in this City who put in <br />many hours and he said it appears to him there is a tendency to pay more for <br />what he believes should be volunteer help and he added that he realizes cer- <br />tain professionals are needad~ but there is a delicate balance in his mind as <br />to payment for hours of volunteer help. He added that he wonders whether <br />this is not setting a precedent, lit. Sutton said that they approached this <br />in this manner because whatever other citizen groups are doing, they can al- <br />ways come to the Community Education Program and involve those people in their <br />planning - accountability and paid help are necessary. <br /> <br />Councilman Glickert asked the City 1~nager whether the CETA Program could <br />furnish a person for the position of Assistant Director, and the City Manager <br />said possibility this could be done - it would be necessary to get the <br />position approved. She asked whether under the Older Americans Act a Cler~- <br />Typist could be recruited and i!r. Dean, Director of Human Resources, said <br />that at the present time he doesn't know of any funds which might be available <br />to fund this position. In that event, Councilman Glickert suggested that a <br />CETA person could fill this job if the City has not already reached its <br />quota. <br /> <br />Councilman Glickert commended the Pershing Community Senior Citizen program <br />and she said there are two people here ~o are volunteers and deserve a <br />great deal of credit and should be recognized: they are Sharon Humphrey and <br />Lee Stobaugh who have devoted endless hours, as volunteers, to the Persh- <br />ing Older Adult programs. <br /> <br />BIDS - POLICE RADIOS: <br />City ~.'~nager Henry referred to a memo from the Communications Specialist, <br />l~r. John Hancock, which explained the need for the acquisition of radio <br />equipment that will permit the City to utilize effectively all of its present- <br />ly assigned frequences, lie said it is planned to acquire eleven 4 channel <br />radios which will permit the City to inaugurate its new broadcast technique. <br />He reviewed the bids ~ich had been received, pointing out that neither the <br />Two-Way Communications nor the I~torola T73 meet specifications, and thus <br />i, fotorola T38 is the lowest qualifying bid and is recommended for purchase, <br />on the following basis: <br /> <br />Unit Price Year Maint. Total <br /> <br />$1,839.50 $61.89 $20,977.00 <br /> <br />In addition, he said, $2,967.25 is requested to finance converting of fre- <br />quencies in other equipment as explained in a memo dated June llth. The <br />contract would be with ~t. Louis Electronics, Inc. <br /> <br /> <br />