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Session 1104, l.{inutes <br />June 16, 1975 <br /> <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />There was some discussion and questions which Were answered by ~. V. A. <br />Ellman, Director of Finance. <br /> <br />Councilman Weissenburger moved that contract be awarded to }~torla in the <br />amount of $20,977.00 for the T38. ~tion was seconded by Councilman Grimm <br />and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />Councilman Weissenburger moved that the contract for the conversion in the <br />amount of $2,967.25 be made with St. Louis Electronics, Inc. ~fotion was <br />seconded by Councilman Grimm and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />BUDGETARY TRAi~SFERS: <br />City l-~nager ~nry stated that with the approach of the close of the fiscal <br />year, it is necessary to effect some transfers, which are set out in the <br />agenda item Mo. 7. However, he continued, throu~ a typing error, an item <br />was omitted in the amount of $6,000, althoug the total is correct. The <br />account omitted was: 2640.2 Planning Department for Electrical Inspection <br />exceeding costs, $6,000. This should have appeared on the first page as <br />the last item under "TO". He said this was in the original tabulation, but <br />apparently was dropped through a typing error. <br /> <br />There was discussion, and questions posed by the Council were answered by <br />the City ~nager and lk. V. A. Ellman, Director of Finance. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman Weissenburger that the budgetary transfers, in- <br />cluding the 2640.2 item) as appear on the attached list, totaling $53,670, <br />be approved, i~tion was seconded by Councilman Glickert and unanimously <br />carried. <br /> <br />WEEKLY POLICE DEPART~.~NT REPORT: <br />The Police Department report for the week of June 8, 1975 to June 14, 1975 <br />was received and ordered filed. <br /> <br />X'~EifLY FIRE DEPARTI.~T REPORT: <br />The Fire Department report for the week of June 8, 1975 to June 14, 1975 was <br />received and ordered filed. Councilman Glickert suggested it may be neces- <br />sary to plan for a third ambulance if additional homes for the elderly are <br />constructed. <br /> <br />PERSOi~{EL REPORT: <br />The Personnel Report for the week ending June 14, 1975 was received and <br />ordered filed. <br /> <br />RENTAL SUBSIDIES: <br />Upon inquiry by the Iiayor whether any member of the public wishes to be <br />heard,~rs. Donna C. jossowsmith came fo~ard. She said she and her husband <br />will be moving to 1069 N. Hanley Road shortly and are looking fo~¢ard to it. <br />However, she said, they noted an article in the CLAYTON CITIZEN paper concern- <br />ing University City's request for Community Development Funds from I~D which <br />was not quite clear to them, but they are concerned by the statement made <br />to the effect that there will be an addition of 90 dwelling units with <br />Federal assistance rents and that the City would have no control over which <br />landlord's buildings or tenants receive subsidies. She said one of the <br />reasons she and her husband chose University City was due to the fact that <br />they are very much impressed with the way the City is operated, the upkeep <br />and the community spirit. She said the article left questions in this minds <br />as to what is going to be happening. <br /> <br />~yor Kaufman said that he is glad they selected University City and he <br /> <br /> <br />