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Session 1105, ~nutes <br />June 16, 1~75 <br /> <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />concurs in her view that "it is an exciting place." ]Ir. A1 Goldman, Director <br />of Finance, was invited to comment on ~Irs. Bossonsmith's remarks. ~-~r. Gold- <br />man was asked to explain what the iilYO requirement is in a little more detail. <br />He said the administrative forces are concerned also because they do not <br />understand fully all of the ramifications; they just recognize that the <br />particular request ~ich has been received is for a rental subsidy program <br />for existing housing which does not tie-in directly with the City and as a <br />result could operate without any control or input from the City. <br /> <br />~yor Kaufman suggested that l. fr. Goldman discuss the matter with ~ir. and ~rs. <br />Bossonsmith -- they may have more questions. <br /> <br />Councilman Glickert pointed out that since this would be rental property, <br />the City would still have a control over the landlord; he would have to <br />maintain the property up to the City's standard. ~k. Goldman agreed that <br />the City would have control over the maintenance of the property and the <br />density (occupancy permit), but would have no control over which landlord <br />would come into the program and ~at abuses might occur in a program that <br />hasn't really been explored. Councilman Glickert observed that the City has <br />control over its o~,m Housing Court one night a week and does have the control <br />of fines if they do not live up to the standards required by the Code. <br /> <br />Mr. Goldman said he is concerned that the program is devoid of apparent <br />benefit even to the landlord and it would seem to him the benefits would <br />be so marginal that they would appeal only to the most marginal landlord. <br />}~ayor Kaufman observed that all other municipalities come under the same <br />provision -- University City is not singled out as a city that must comply <br />with the provision. Discussion continued. <br /> <br />GP~EN NURSERY PARK DEVELOPmeNT: <br />I~yor F~ufman called attention to a communication from I~!r. Charles Kohlen- <br />berger, Director of Parks, Recreation and Forestry, in connection with the <br />Green Hursery park development. ~fr. Kohlenberger was invited to come for- <br />ward. Answering questions, IIr. Kohlenberger said he would like to proceed <br />with an application for development plans. He said he understood that this <br />was one of the priorities that came out of a previous Council meeting and <br />there is no provision in the proposed budget to fund even the plan or the <br />application for such a grant. ~yor Kaufman said he recalls that the Park <br />Commission had made a recommendation and he believes the Council itself would <br />want to have some input in the development of this tract - whether it should <br />be a passive park or an active park. <br /> <br />The I~yor asked ~. Kohlenberger whether he thinks approval can be obtained <br />if he moves fo~ard with the application, and ~. K~lenberger answered <br />that he is quite certain about the approval. He said that ~r. Gross, who <br />is the Project Consultant with the l~issouri Department of National Resources, <br />viewed the location recently and was quite impressed about the potential <br />for developing it into a neighborhood park. <br /> <br />!Ir. Kohlenberger said that at that time, ~r. Gross indicated to him this <br />type of project would be given priority because of the population densities <br />and because of University City's good track record, and ~. Gross had ob- <br />served that this would be a fine project. <br /> <br />~yor Kaufman asked the City i,~nager whether it is his recommendation that <br />an outside planning firm be employed, and the City l~nager answered that he <br /> <br /> <br />