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Session 1105, l~inutes <br />June 16, 1975 <br /> <br />Page 19 <br /> <br />received, estimated about a 95% spending of the current year and ~r. Ellman <br />thinks it will be 97% or slightly over - the picture is somewhat incomplete <br />at the moment and it is a little difficult to make any sizeable judgments. <br />He said he would have the information on Friday. <br /> <br />There was some general discussion and questions. <br /> <br />Councilman Lieberman asked how much has been budgeted for the Community <br />Schools Program in this particular budget and the City ~nager said it is <br />$12,600o00. I{e asked whether the City Planager has any recommendations to <br />make based on the presentations made this evening and City ~anager Henry <br />said he has no recommendations at this point. <br /> <br />Councilman Lieberman said that during the past few weeks since the Council <br />has been talking about budgetary items, there have been some questions <br />raised by Council members pertaining to the matter of the Police Budget and <br />Chief Damos' request for additional policemen. Councilman Lieberman said <br />last week he had explained what he thought would be the budgetary impact. <br />lie said Council members have asked about the impact on response time to the <br />citizens, the Police Cadet program, and the budgetary impact of hiring the <br />number of persons that Chief Damos had recommended, lie said he has not re- <br />ceived any of that material and he thinks it is urgent that the Council re- <br />ceive this information without delay. <br /> <br />With regard to budgets and uniforms, Councilman Glickert said that she would <br />like to suggest the possibility of a uniform allowance (particularly, the <br />Police) rather than buying the uniforms outright as the City has done in <br />the past. She felt this might work out better both budget-wise and in the <br />fitting. <br /> <br />FORSYTH SCHOOL: <br />Councilman Glickert asked whether the Forsyth School will be off the tax <br />rolls and said she would like this information at the July meeting. This <br />will be checked into. <br /> <br />LITTER - U. CITY IN THE SQUAP~: <br />Councilman Lieberman referred to a memo from I~. Dieckgraefe, Director of <br />Planning, and said this is the second or third item which has to do with <br />U. City in the Square. 1.1r. Dieckgraefe's memo deals with clean-up problems <br />and Councilman Lieberman said he concurs in ~r. Dieckgraefe's recommendation <br />that conditions be established by the City prior to the next U. City in the <br />Square event. He said the mmtter of control of U. City in the Square seems <br />to be "off in thirteen different directions" and this is not wise. He said <br />the City must insist that a committee or a group be established who would <br />be in control and who would assure the City that its concerns will be met. <br /> <br />Fi{ALO~ - U. CITY BUSINESS t~i~: <br />Councilman Glickert said that last week she mentioned a situation with HUD <br />in the Third Ward and would like to report that Senator Eagleton's office <br />was successful in getting an ~h% loan approved for a business man of Univer- <br />sity City, in a very short time. <br /> <br />BI~ RIDE tLESCHEDULED: <br />Councilman Glickert invited members of the Council, and the public, to join <br />in a rescheduled BIKE RIDE on this coming Sunday. ~%e ride last week had <br />been rained out. <br /> <br /> <br />