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UNIVERSITY CITY <br /> <br />6801 Delmar Boulevard <br /> <br />862 - 6767 <br /> <br />June 19, 1975 <br /> <br />Mayor Nathan B. Kaufman <br />Members of the Council <br /> <br />Dear Friends, <br /> <br />This letter is to serve as my official notice of resignation from the <br />position of City Manager in University City effective July 13, 1975. <br />As reported to you individually on May 12, 1975, I have accepted the <br />position of City Manager of Eugene, Oregon ohM ay 10th, effective <br />July 14, 1975. On Thursday, June 26th I plan to go on vacation through <br />July 6th. I shall be here on the job Monday and Tuesday, July 7th and <br />8th. On Wednesday, July 9th we hope to continue our vacation by driving <br />to Oregon. <br /> <br />I have enjoyed thoroughly my 16~ years of service in University City, <br />and the principal reason why has been the outstanding leadership, guid- <br />ance, and understanding provided by Mayor Kaufman and each member of the <br />City Council. I feel a deep gratitude for all that you people, as well <br />as your predecessors, have done for me and my family. I also, perhaps, <br />understand better than anybody else how much you, as individuals, have <br />had to give in terms of your time and your resources in making University <br />City a very special community in this nation. University City is out- <br />standing not just because of high quality city services; but, because it <br />remains an effective and functioning local democracy, where much idealism <br />still prevails in a very cynical world, and where a very pleasant physical <br />as well as healthy social environment continues to prevail in contrast to <br />so'much of urban America elsewhere. <br /> <br />So, Narc, Hadley, Larry.~ Tic, Elsie, Charlie, and Joe, I wish you even <br />greater successes in yoUr-!fut~re con~nunity contributions, and shall miss <br />your good company. ~' <br /> <br />CTH:el <br /> <br />Since~ <br />Charles T. Henry <br />City Manager <br /> <br /> <br />