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Session 1105, I.~nutes <br />June 16, 1975 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />they have made no independent traffic study. He said their concern, if any, <br />was the impact or the shock loading of the ~]ursery School which is located <br />immediately opposite the proposed building. He said their experience has <br />sho~ that apartments for the elderly generate very f~ traffic elements and <br />the ones which are generated are at off times, and therefore, in a positive <br />way he did not consider that the shock loading of traffic that occurs at <br />that l~ursery School would be inimicabl e to what the developers want to do. <br />He said a circular drive will be designed to drop people off at the front <br />entrance so therefore they did not consider the existing traffic patterns <br />to be a problem to them. <br /> <br />Councilman Adams quoted Condition No. 5 which appeared in the recommendation <br />of the City Plan Commission: "The occupancy shall be limited to persons over <br />62 years of age." lie asked how this affects the handicapped, and lfr. ~cCor- <br />mack said in a technical sense he would like that restriction to be re-worded. <br />He said generally the definition of handicapped is 62 years of age or older - <br />that restriction would make them ~3, at least, so that would be sort of <br />bucking asainst the tide as to what is commonly known as the definition of <br />elderly. With respect to handicapped, he continued, he would not want to <br />have to turn ~ay a resident that is considered desirable merely because of <br />a handicap. He said that restriction would require them to do this, and <br />he would like to have it broadened to include the normal residential housing <br />which is designed both for the elderly and for the handicapped. I{e said, in <br />answer to Councilman Adams, that they would like to have handicapped under <br />the age of 62. <br /> <br />Councilman Grimm said he noticed there was a creek and this was discussed <br />by Mr. ~Cormack. I~ said they propose to cover the open channel and utilize <br />the surface for among other things parking, and other spaces. Councilman <br />Grimm asked about the width of the streets, and ~. ~cCormack discussed this, <br />again pointing out that he anticipates no parking or traffic problems. <br /> <br />~yor Kaufman asked what would be the maximum subsidy that they would be <br />eligible to receive from the Federal government, l~r. ~!cCormack explained <br />that in the St. Louis area they can house soraeone whose income is 80% of the <br />median income in the St. Louis metropolitan area~ for two persons in St. <br />Louis the median income is $G950 - 80% of that would be $7160 per year and <br />that would be the maximum income that two parsons can earn; therefore, they <br />would pay $149 a month under a lease directly to him a~d ~le Federal govern- <br />ment would then pay him $151 for housing that person. He figured that one <br />person would pay $117 a month and the government would pay him $183 a month. <br /> <br />Mr. I4cCormack continued to answer questions, stating that he knows of no <br />other building of this exact nature in the St. Louis area. Also, he said, <br />the hallways would be broad and the elevators would be somewhat larger than <br />a normal ~levator. l~ir. ~Cormack said he would like to make it clear that <br />an F~L~ Insured Program is available to them and he said he now recalls that <br />Heritage House was designed for the elderly and was financed under 231%~ich <br />is a non-subsidized mortgage program. He said what he was suggesting is <br />that he would prefer not to go that route, but would prefer to finance it <br />conventionally. <br /> <br />The following persons addressed the Council in opposition to the proposed <br />project, and their primary reasons were that traffic will be increased, <br />Barby Lane and ~Test Kingsbury streets are not designed for heavy equipment, <br />there will be parking problems due to the employees parking. Further, that <br /> <br /> <br />