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Session 1105, ~iinutes <br />June 16, 1975 <br /> <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />change the fact that they are taking a portion of commercial project which <br />they will presumably put trees on and put it in a residential area; it will <br />still be part of the commercial project as he sees it. <br /> <br />~. l~Cormack was invited to answer the questions raised by members of the <br />public. As to the maximum number of parking spaces, he said there are <br />40 spaces, 25 spaces would be for residents and four or five for employees. <br />As for visitors, Mr. I~cCormack said it has been his experience that there <br />are not enough visitors to apartments for the elderly and handicapped to <br />take the remaining parking slots,which would be ten. I[ayor Kaufman asked <br />what transportation facilities would be available for those who are not <br />mobile and ~{r. ~Cormack said most of them rely on either public transporta- <br />tion or a mini-bus. Continuing to answer inquiries by the i~yor, Mr. I~.{cCor- <br />mack said there is room for approximately 10 to 20 additional parking spaces. <br /> <br />In response to ~r. O'Leary of Ladue with respect to his interpretation as to <br />what the use of that residential piece of ground is, ~r. l~Cormack said they <br />are not hard and fast on that; if the City of Ladue decides that they do not <br />want to include that land, that is satisfactory, too. I~ said their project <br />still would comply and would exceed the standards that University City has. <br />~yor i~aufman said that the Council can only act on land which is located <br />within the City of University City and he would assume that Hr. McCormack's <br />application would meet those standards. <br /> <br />With respect to the concern about parking in front of homes in that area, <br />~. ~cCormack said this is not goin~ to happen. As for the use of heavy <br />equipment, I~. l~cCormack said he can understand some of the concerns, but <br />it is a public street and mu~t be used in the construction process. Coun- <br />cilman ~erner asked whether he would be amenable to add a provision ~o the <br />Conditional Use Permit which would state that if there was damage to either <br />West ~ingsbury or Barby Lane as a result of bulldozers, tractors, that the <br />developers would either replace or repair the street to the condition it <br />was in prior to the construction, lit. I~Cormack said his answer is "yes" <br />but this is not to be construed to mean that he would agree to "anybody's <br />blank check" to have ~llnight Road resurfaced or re-done, althou~ he does <br />realize what his responsibility is and he would be willing to resolve any <br />damage that they do. He repeated that if they damage something, they will <br />correct it, but they do not intend to redesign l~¥~ight Road or reconstruct <br />Barby Lane or West Kingsbury. <br /> <br />l{e said that residents of the apartment building, visitors and staff will be <br />parked on that property and if the test of time indicates that 40 parking <br />spaces are inadequate, they will agree to build whatever additional parking <br />slots are available. He said there will be no restaurant in the building, <br />and he again emphasized that the building will be a residential structure. <br /> <br />Councilman Glickert asked what positions the four or five employees would <br />hold, and ~cCormack said there would be a manager, possibly a manage- <br />ment aide, a clerk-typist, a full time custodian and a part-time mainten- <br />ance person to do mechanical work. P~esponding to a question by Councilman <br />Lieberman concerning the possibility of residents employing part-time <br />people, ~. McCormack said their experience has sho~ that very few out- <br />side people are brought in. He said there will be no security guards in <br />this building. <br /> <br />City ~'~anager Henry asked 1~. i~cCormack if 1IUD only agreed to 15 to 20 <br />units as far as rent supplement, what his position would be then. <br />~{cCormack said that this number probably would not be feasible; he said he <br /> <br /> <br />