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Session 1105, iLinutes <br />June 16, 1975 <br /> <br />Page <br /> <br />is not mure of the nurser t!~at would be feasible, but he is looking for <br />100Z for 108 units. <br /> <br />~e l~yor asked him whether they have worked out the economics ~ere they <br />might accept a lower number and i~r. ~Cormack maid that i~D does prefer <br />20%~ but mpecifically for the elderly they are very clear that they will <br />go up to 100%. I~yor I~aufman said the Council will be reviewing this matter <br />and a~suming it wants to impose a condition of only 10/15 subsidized <br />units, would this be acceptable, and ~. }~cCormack answered that it would <br />not be acceptable to him. <br /> <br />Councilman Merner said that i~. Tischler earlier had raised the question <br />of taxem, whether the tax ba~e would be based upon taxes paid by the ten- <br />ants vs the Federal government. ~. ~cCormack said him experience in the <br />subsidized housing programs ham been there hah been no form of tax abate- <br />ment in t~im county, under the Section 8 program~ and he added there will <br />be no tax abatement for any unit that he is aware of. itc said the rental <br />schedulem that he is projectin~ are based on the fact that they will have <br />to pay full taxes on all apartments. <br /> <br />Answering a question by Councilman Lieberman, I~. ~Cormack said he is <br />aware of all of the conditions imposed by the City Plan Commission and <br />they are prepared to meet all of the conditions, but the only point he was <br />making earlier was a technical point on Condition ~o. 5. He said he would <br />suggest that the same definition be used by all concerne: 62 years of age <br />or older and if, for any reason, there was a strong feeling on the part of <br />the City about excluding the handicapped person from occupancy, they would <br />conmider that particular factor, tie said they included handicapped because <br />their experience indicates that in every project they have been involved in <br />they have made provision for a certain percentage of handicapped persons, <br />but thi~ can be excluded if the City prefers. <br /> <br />llayor ~aufman thanked the members of the public for appearing this evening, <br />and said the Council will take this matter under advisement. <br /> <br />?~CESS: <br /> <br />l~yor ~aufman called for a brief recess at 9:30 P.I% and at 9:40 P.II. the <br />Council reconvened. <br /> <br />C0iR~i]ITY SCiiOOLS CENTt~L COOPDINATIi~G COU,~-~CIL: <br />City i~nager tienry stated that l~r. James C. Sutton, Chairman of the Central <br />Coordinating Council and the Daniel Boone program, and others from the <br />Community Schools Central Coordinating Council would like to address the <br />City Council relative to their program and its relationship to the City <br />budget. <br /> <br />I~. Sutton said that the Council has had a copy of their proposed budget <br />for some time. lie discussed tl~e need for additional funds, pointing out <br />they would like to have tile money to effectively plan a program utilizing <br />professional and volunteer people. A total budget of nearly $73,000 is <br />projected with the City being asked to provide a total of some $34,000, <br />the School District $27,000 and the Federal government approximately $7500. <br />ile stated that i~D has approved funding for the Pershing Community Center. <br />lie said that the pilot Health Program for Senior citizens which was initiat- <br />ed has been very successful and he discussed the screening results. He <br /> <br /> <br />