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Special Session 936, Minutes <br />June 30, 1969 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Bills for Second Reading, continued: <br /> <br />BILL NO. 6614 - ~24~ING CHAPTER 34 MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING <br />(SECTION 34-30.1) PERMITTED USES IN B-1 LIMITED RETAIL BUSINESS DISTRICTS: <br /> <br />Bill No. 6614 - Deferred. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 6619 (AS A/,~NDED) -A/4Ei~DING CttAPTER 18 MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO <br />LICENSES AND BUSINESS REGULATIONS (ELECTRIC C~ANIES): <br /> <br />Councilman Lieberman moved that Bill No. 6619 be amended by deleting the <br />word "July" in the title of the bill and in Section 3, and inserting in <br />lieu thereof the word "August." <br /> <br />City Manager Henry said he recommends this change for the reason that if <br />the bills are acted upon it will give the utilities a month to change their <br />billing procedures, etc., and it has been suggested by the Telephone Company <br />representative. <br /> <br />Motion seconded by Councilman Epstein and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />~fayor I~mufman inquired whether any representative of a utility desires to <br />be heard on this matter, whereupon the following spoke in opposition to <br />proposed increase in the gross receipts tax: <br /> <br />Mro Thomas Q. Ebanues, District Manager, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. <br />Mr. Stephen L. Kelly, Manager Tax Department, Union Electric Coo <br />Mr. Lawrence J. Bannes, Assistant General Counsel, Laclede Gas Co. <br /> <br />Ail of the speakers indicated they are concerned about the effect on their <br />customers who will ultimately pay the tax or its equivalent as a component <br />of their rate for service and the effect the higher tax will have upon <br />their company's competitive position -- they suggested the City look to <br />other sources for additional revenues. They answered questions. <br /> <br />Councilman Epstein explained that the City has been quite active (although <br />unsuccessful) in trying to secure revenue from the State government and <br />hopefully when this is accomplished the gross receipts tax can then be re- <br />duced. <br /> <br />City Manager Henry, addressing himself to Mr. Kelly, during Mr. Kelly's <br />presentation, said the City has many contracts and services with Union <br />Electric~ but for two years now has waited for Union Electric to get new <br />globes on the walkway in the Greenway South and Ackert Park area and is <br />encountering no end of problems. He enlisted :(r. Kelly's assistance in <br />trying to remedy this situation. Mr. Kelly assured the City Manager and <br />the Council that he would check into this and try to expedite it. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman said he would like to observe in passing that the City has <br />not neglected other sources of revenue~ for example, there has been an in- <br />crease in the swimming pool charge - there is now a recommendation from <br />the administrative forces to increase golf fees - court costs have been <br />increased and there are a number of other areas that have not yet been <br />touched upon. On behalf of the Council, the Mayor expressed appreciation <br />to the representatives for their presentations and the interest they have <br />manifested in behalf of the citizens of this community. <br /> <br />Continued, next page <br /> <br /> <br />