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June 30, 1969
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City Council Minutes
June 30, 1969
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Special Session 936, Minutes <br />June 30, 1969 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Public wdrks, said he is going to propose that the Council meet again on <br />July 7th and that the next regular meeting be held on August 4th - not to <br />suggest that special meetings may not be called as the need may require. <br />He asked whether there would be anything here which might delay Hr. Dieck - <br />graefe in his planning if the matter were delayed until August 4th. I,~r. <br />Dieckgraefe said as part of last year's budget they prepared some plans and <br />specifications for maintenance work which was beyond the capabilities of <br />his Department and the bids have been received and were before the Council <br />previously. While there is no termination on the effective date of these <br />bids, they do have certain limitations in terms of retaining the low bid <br />which was a favorable one, in possibly having to re-advertise, in addition <br />to losing the faith of the contractors who took their time to bid on this. <br />Mr. Dieckgraefe indicated that the next meeting would be within a reasonable <br />time (July 7th) but he would not consider August 4th to be within the time <br />span they could accept to enforce the bids which have already been received. <br />Its said the bid was something over $4500 but he cannot anticipate what the <br />increase would be ~ there would be additional administrative costs - and the <br />possibility that the contractors might not bid again, at all. <br /> <br />Mr. John Giandulakis, 7334 Drexel, was the next speaker. Mr. Giandulakis, <br />a trustee of City View Place, urged that the Council take action tonight, <br />and he suggested that the improvement should be from Midland rather than <br />from Purdue and should be to the western terminus of Chamberlain. <br /> <br />Mr. Dieckgraefe indicated that this was included in the bid. <br /> <br />Mr. Connor, 7430 Chamberlain, trustee of City View Place, reviewed the <br />background history and gave a step by step account of events which have <br />occurred. ~lr. Connor answered questions posed by members of the Council. <br /> <br />Mr. Richard Dodge, 7307 Chamberlain, addressed the Council and he requested <br />a delay, pointing out that only 21 members of a group totaling 135 were <br />counted. ~le said in a 30-day interim they would like to get a more exact <br />count from people affected by this change. <br /> <br />In response to a question by Councilman Epstein, the City ~.~nager said the <br />residents of the area will not be assessed - this is at City expense. <br />Councilman Epstein pointed out it may cost the City more money if the <br />matter is delayed, and the season for this type of work is short. Mr. <br />Dodge reiterated his request for a delay in order to get a more representa- <br />tive view of the people who would be affected by the ordinance. <br /> <br />Answering an inquiry by the f~ayor, ~r. Dieckgraefe said it is difficult for <br />him to answer whether the bids would still be in effect if a meeting of the <br />Council were scheduled for July 14th, without asking the contractor - this <br />is not a very desirable construction project for contractors and he ex- <br />plained the type of a repair Job that this will be. He added that if the <br />bids were to come in higher, it would mean the City could do less work. <br /> <br />Following further discussion, Counci!mmn Werner moved that the matter be <br />deferred until next week. ~yor l~aufman said unless there is objection <br />to the motion, consideration of the bill will be postponed until next week. <br />There was no objection, and it was so ordered. <br /> <br />Councilman Lieberman requested that Mr. Giandulakis,proposed amendment b~ <br />included in the bill so that it will be ready for passage next week, and <br />he moved the amendment accordingly. ~otion seconded by Councilman Epstein <br />and unanimously carried. <br /> <br /> <br />
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