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-- Page 3 <br /> <br />Session 868, Minutes <br />June 19, 1967 <br /> <br />City Manager. <br /> <br />Councilman Lieberman said he would like to request that if the Council <br />adopts this supporting Resolution, that it not only be presented to the <br />National League of Cities but to Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, who <br />is interested in the same subject and to Representative Thomas Curtis who <br />is acting toward the tax and money situations for municipalities, and <br />that the attached data also be transmitted. Councilman Epstein added <br />that she thinks it should also be sent to the two Senators. <br /> <br />Upon vote, the motion unanimously carried. A copy of the Resolution is <br />attached hereto and made a part of the record. <br /> <br />SPRING FESTIVAL: <br />Mayor Kaufman observed that Mr. Laurent Torno, Jr. is now present, and <br />he said the Council may return to consideration of agenda item number 2. <br />City Manager Henry stated that a fine report was received at the last <br />meeting of the Council in connection with activities of the Spring <br />Festival, and Mr. Laurent Torno, Jr. who was the Spring Festival Chairman, <br />has requested permission to appear this evening to discuss the recent <br />festival and proposals for future festivals. He said Mr. Torno was unable <br />to be in attendance last week and he believes this would be an extension <br />of that discussion. Councilman Woods had presented the report to the <br />Council. <br /> <br />Upon invitation of the Mayor, Mr. Torno came fo~,~ard. He said he began <br />taking part in the Festival program much later than many other citizens <br />and he is sure they realize how much of the personal resources of many, <br />very capable, members of the community were harnessed. He said there <br />were two reasons for this: one, the willingness of individuals to devote <br />their time and efforts and the second is due to action which the City took, <br />namely, authorizing a member of the City staff to serve the function of <br />coordinating this and doing a tremendous job. He had reference to Mrs. <br />Judith Miller, and said from his conversations with her he doesn't believe <br />it would be feasible to expect her to do this again next year. Mr. Torno <br />said he believes very strongly that it will be possible to do an im- <br />measurably better job next year if plans begin now, and in order to do <br />this, it is going to be necessary to have some individual or some office <br />which can give the program some continuity and a degree of organization <br />during the year. He talked about the success of the House~Tour. He ex- <br />pressed the view that the quality of what was done was extremely high. <br /> <br />Mr. Torno said that in behalf of the Festival Committee, he would like to <br />ask the City to include a certain amount in the budget so the City can <br />provide a staff person whose function it will be, for a certain period of <br />time, to give organization to this community effort. <br /> <br />The Mayor asked Mr. Torno whether the committee had reviewed the possibil- <br />ity of a certain sum being set aside - what did they have in mind - and <br />Mr. Torno answered that they did not, but he would say whatever is re- <br />quired to pay the salary of someone on a full time basis for three or <br />four months. In addition to that, he continued, they would like to ask <br />that it be the City policy for Hrs. Miller, or someone on that staff, to <br />spend a certain, much smaller portion of their time, on this activity. <br /> <br />Councilman Bamburg asked Mr. Torno whether there was anyone who was a <br /> <br /> <br />