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Session 868, ~inutes <br />June 19, 1967 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />volunteer worker this time who miRht be persuaded to work for pay next <br />time - someone who might be in a position to do it, and Mr. Torno answer- <br />ed that he doesn't know of anyone - that everyone he came in contact with <br />was a professional or full time working person. <br /> <br />Councilman Lieberman recalled that sometime ago when the Special Events <br />program was presented to the Council and the emphasis was being placed on <br />public relations, at that time tile City Manager had stated that possibly <br />~.irs. Miller would spend some time in public relations. Ite said the <br />Council discussed in an open meeting the possibility of providing some <br />supplementary funds for the purpose of supplementing ~lrs. ~iiller's efforts <br />with a professional P/R person and the Council, if he remembers correctly, <br />approved up to $4,000 for supplementary P/R people to work with I'~rs. <br />Miller on a professional basis. ~Ie said he doesn't believe this has been <br />done yet, nor has he found it in the budget and since the members of the <br />Council have already approved this he thinks it should be implemented. <br /> <br />The City Manager said in connection with that proposal, it was extended, <br />as h~ comprehended' it was much broader than the Festival question, and <br />Councilman Lieberman said that is correct. <br /> <br />Councilman Lieberman suggested that the fact should be emphasized that <br />the Council feels additional help on a professional P/R basis is needed <br />for that office and that help ought to be given. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman said that Mr. Torno has made a good point that sustained <br />continuity is necessary and perhaps at this point the Council can call <br />upon the City Manager to prepare a memorandum in terms of tying this <br />program in on an annual basis and in the memo, of course, reference can <br />be made to finances - what monies would be needed to implement it. <br /> <br />~. Torno said he thinks this program was important from a public re- <br />lations standpoint from the City and he thinks if it is carried on again <br />next year (steps have already been started in this direction) it will <br />likewise be important from a public relations standpoint, but he thinks <br />however, the person whose job it will be to give continuity to this (if <br />the City desires to see that this job is done) is someone whose thrust <br />of activities is community organization and not public relations. <br />Councilman Epstein said she thinks that is an excellent point. <br /> <br />Councilman ¥~ods said she would like to thank I. fr, Torno again for helping <br />to pull together a very successful Festival out of almost nothing and <br />would like to endorse his statement that the only way to have a success- <br />ful Festival is to have good coordination and that it is a community re- <br />lations effort as well as a public relations one, so she would hope the <br />Council will move on this. <br /> <br />Mr. Torno commended ~s. Miller for her extraordinary efforts toward the <br />success of the Festival. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman, on behalf of the Council, expressed appreciation to Mr. <br />Torno for appearing tonight. <br /> <br /> <br />