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<br />,-- <br /> <br />session 1539, Minutes <br />April 1, 1991 <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />19' in length. <br />3. All signs on the property shall confonn with the provisions of the Uni- <br />versity City Sign Code. <br />4. '!he drive-through lane shall be delineated by a 6" concrete CI.1l:b, 3' to <br />4' in width and painted yellow, rather than striping on grade. <br />5. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning <br />for his review am approval. Landscaping shall be installed and main- <br />tained in accordance with the approved plan. <br />6. '!he volume of the speaker for drive-through service shall be adjustable <br />and shall be ma.intained at a level which prevents it from being heard be- <br />yond the property line. <br />7. '!he operator of the restaurant shall regularly police the site and area <br />adjacent to the restaurant to remove litter generated by the business. <br />8. '!he landscaPed area immediately east of the westernmost curl:> cut shall be <br />flared from the property line south to the curl:> separating the drive- <br />through lane from the parking area. <br /> <br />Mrs. 'Ihompson lOOVed approval with all conditions, am Mr. Schoorner seconded <br />the notion. <br /> <br />Mr. .Adams asked about the ingress-egress pattern. Mr. Price, liaison to the <br />Plan Commission, explained that the proposed configuration was to prevent a <br />backlog of cars from waiting on the thoroughfare (Olive). <br /> <br />All voted Aye. <br />(x)NDITIONAL USE - 520 MELVILrE/CARRY-aJI' AND DELIVERY FOOD SERVICE <br /> <br />,-- <br /> <br />'!he City Manager said Council is asked to approve a conditional use pennit <br />for a carry-out and delivery food service at cicero's Restaurant, 520 Mel- <br />ville, subject to the following conditions: <br /> <br />1. Signs shall be in strict conpliance with the provisions of the University <br />city Sign Code. <br />2. '!he operator shall regularly police the area adjacent to the carry-out <br />restaurant to renove litter generated by the restaurant. <br />3. '!his permit is granted to the applicant, Shawn Jacobs dba. cicero's Res- <br />taurant. If the applicant discontinues as principal operator or user of <br />this conditional use, this pennit shall be null and void. <br />4. Delivery vehicles shall not block the through traffic in the alley south <br />of the restaurant at any time. <br />5. '!here shall be no double parking on Melville at any time for the purpose <br />of picking up food. <br />6. '!he iropact of food delivery service on traffic, parking, and other neigh- <br />borhood facilities shall be monitored by the City, and the operator shall <br />hereby agree to restrict or eliminate the delivery service from the res- <br />taurant operation if the City detennines, after a public hearing, that it <br />causes a negative iropact on the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Mr. Ollendorff said the City staff and Plan Ccmni.ssion agree tl:1at the carry- <br />out service should be approved; however, the staff recornrnerrls against approv- <br />ing the delivery service since it does not conply with Zoning Code provisions <br />