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<br />SECTION III <br />RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> <br />A. Create an Economic Development Tool Box <br />1. The University City Council should take an aggressive, proactive role in <br />generating sustainable economic development. <br /> <br />Action Items <br />1. Provide the resources necessary for a dedicated economic development <br />professional within City government focused entirely on economic <br />development activity. <br />2. Develop a marketing campaign that "brands" University City as a <br />unique residential and commercial area <br />3. Conduct regular "Economic Development Forums" to nurture and attract <br />economic development <br />4. Provide technical assistance to businesses and business associations <br />5. Institute a policy for "Local Procurement Preferences" <br />6. Institute a policy regulating national chain store proliferation <br /> <br />B. International District [Along Olive Blvd from North and South to 1-170) <br />i. Develop a plan to create an upscale "International District" as a <br />regional destination. <br /> <br />Action Items <br />1. Develop a long-term vision for this area. <br />2. Combine smaller sites into larger development sites. <br />3. Expand sidewalks to make them more pedestrian friendly. <br />4. Provide for off street parking. <br />5. Provide zoning incentives for mixed use development. <br />6. Encourage ethnic businesses/organizations to move into the area. <br />7. Develop architectural standards for signage/facades/points of <br />entry . <br />8. Establish a Special Business District. <br />9. Establish Tax Increment Financing District. <br />10. Pro-actively acquire property for redevelopment. <br /> <br />C. Foster Development Opportunities <br />1. University City must take greater control of the development <br />process. <br />ii. Develop incentives for energy and environmentally progressive <br />development <br />Hi. Establish Transportation Development District(s). <br />iv. Proactively participate in the following potentially developable <br />sites: <br />1. Metrolink Sites <br />a. Collaborate with the City of Clayton on a <br />development concept for the Forsyth stop. <br /> <br />5 <br />