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NAYS: none <br />Bill 9026 became Ordinance 6781 <br />2. BILL 9031 – An ordinance repealing Chapter 8.28 of the University City Municipal <br />Code, relating to the property maintenance code, and enacting in lieu thereof a <br />new chapter to be known as “Chapter 8.28 Property Maintenance Code”; thereby <br />amending Chapter 8.28 so as to adopt the International Property Maintenance <br />Code, 2006 edition, with certain changes thereto; containing a savings clause <br />and providing a penalty. <br />Mr. Sharpe moved for approval of Bill 9031 and was seconded by Mr. Price. <br />Roll Call Vote was: <br />AYES: Ms. Ricci, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Crow, Mr. Glickert, Mr. Sharpe, Jr., Mr. Price <br />and Mayor Adams <br />NAYS: none <br />Bill 9031 became Ordinance 6782 <br />K. NEW BUSINESS <br />BILLS <br />Introduced by Mr. Sharpe <br />1. <br />BILL 9037 - An ordinance amending Chapter 2.62 of the University City <br />Municipal Code, relating to the police and firefighter’s retirement system, by <br />amending Sections 2.62 relating to the determination of base salary with respect <br />to retirees. <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />L. CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Stefany Brot, 8145 Cornell Ct. <br />Ms. Brot thanked the Council for the $1000 they provided in last year’s budget for <br />assistance in the restoration of the Sutter Meyer House. The Sutter Meyer Society <br />provided Ms. Watson with a list of the $10,000 energy efficient improvements made. <br />To present the society has spent $17,000 in restoration of a house that will keep <br />alive University City’s history. Presently the roof is leaking destroying the upstairs <br />and the Society would like to request the same $1000 donation for the Sutter Meyer <br />House in the City’s new budget as the Society passionately believes in it. Ms. Brot’s <br />second request to speak dealt with the possibility of cutting inspections and using <br />more of the Economic Sales Tax Development money for administrative uses. She <br />stated that University City’s inspection program has helped to maintain <br />neighborhood stability. Inspections are necessary for safety, health, and fire safety. <br />Ms. Brot felt we need fair inspections throughout the City. The City would suffer <br />greatly if inspections were decreased for cost savings. Ms. Brot stated that while <br />she was on the Council, they encouraged passage of the Economic Sales Tax in <br />order to provide more economic development. She said that the bill did have a <br />provision in it for administrative expenses but it was never intended to balance the <br />City’s budget. <br /> <br />