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Depending on bids/specs, an average pumper can range from $400,000 to $550,000. <br />In the budget under FY 10, there is $525,000 budgeted for a pumper and in FY 12 there <br />is $570,000 budgeted for a second pumper. <br />Due to the cell phone tax settlement we were able to set aside funding for the pumper in <br />a designated reserve fund specifically for the trucks. This was not done in the past as <br />fire apparatus was not a part of the fleet management program. Designated reserve <br />funds are not counted against the Council reserve goal of 17%. <br />The FY 10 allocation for the pumper is split between general fund revenues and <br />designated reserves. In order to purchase the two trucks, $350,000 was set aside in <br />the designated reserve fund.The remainder of the cost would come from general fund <br />revenue. <br />The undesignated reserve is currently at 26%, spending $1million on the Wilson <br />properties brings the undesignated reserve to 22.5%. Purchasing the fire trucks with a <br />property tax supported bond issue, will allow $350,000 currently in designated reserve <br />to return to the undesignated reserve and relieve future general fund obligations. By <br />passing a bond issue, the designated reserves return to undesignated reserves, and <br />you will actually increase your undesignated reserve back up to around 23.5%. <br />As the Mayor mentioned, WU has indicated they would provide us land at Vernon and <br />Westgate to build a new firehouse. A new firehouse would be an additional $3 million. <br />If you are considering a bond issue, you might want to consider a full $4 million. An <br />election costs $50,000, so the preference will be to run the bond on the April 2010 ballot <br />to avoid incurring additional ballot expense. <br />grant for the Missouri’s <br />The University City Police Department is applying for a <br />Highway Safety Program <br />. The grant will help develop and implement a plan that <br />focuses on hazardous moving violations (such as speeding, following too closely, <br />driving too fast for conditions, red-light running, improper lane changes, and failure to <br />yield) at high crash locations and corridors. Local law enforcement efforts contribute <br />toward an overall 2% reduction in fatalities and disabling injuries attributable to <br />hazardous driving crashes. The grant request is included in your amended May 18 <br />agenda for approval. Please let me know if you have any questions. <br />4Annual <br />The University City Parks Foundation invites you to participate in their <br />th <br />Fundraising Golf Tournament <br />on Saturday, June 20 at Ruth Park Golf Course. All <br />revenues will go to the Parks Foundation and the new First Tee junior golf program at <br />Ruth Park. Registration, driving range and putting greens are open to all participants at <br />12:00 Noon. Lunch is provided. Each foursome will play with an area golf pro – in what <br />is called a “scramble” -- with a shotgun start at 1:00 PM followed by dinner and awards <br />from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. There will be a hole-in-one and other contests and a silent <br />auction. Entry fee is $100 per golfer, for 18 holes with cart and dinner – and a free <br />weekday 9 holes of golf for later use. Dinner and auction only - $25 per person. <br />Registration, sponsor, and auction donation forms can be obtained at Ruth Park or by <br />contacting Judy Prange of the UCPF at or at 314-721- <br />7401. <br /> <br />