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between departments, from the reserves, without the express approval <br />of this Council. <br />(16) Danielle Herron, 7833 Gannon <br />Ms. Herron started by saying this was her opinion and no one has <br />influenced it. She described the flooding event in September 2009 and <br />MSD’s and Corps of Engineers’ statements and promises. Recently <br />the flooding happened again; the City, MSD, and the Corps of <br />Engineers need to sit down and find the money needed to buy the <br />residents out so they are not put in harms way again. <br />(17) Sharon Jenkins, 8008 Briar Ct. <br />Ms. Jenkins stated that the flood water is a problem for them also. She <br />asked if the Corps of Engineers looked into this situation and asked <br />what they found. She stated she had eight feet of water in her house <br />and lost everything. She had insurance but was not sure how many <br />times the insurance company would deal with it. Ms. Jenkins stated <br />that she loves U.City but had no idea that the water was such a <br />problem. Ms. Jenkins asked about repairing River DesPeres and then <br />the City would not have to worry about properties to buy-out as <br />residents would continue to live where they are and the City can <br />continue to grow. She offered to help as a citizen. <br />(18) Anne Marie Kiddon, 7348 Wellington <br />Ms. Kiddon thanked the Council for the meeting with the directors and <br />hope they continue this. It was her understanding that the City <br />calendar was being cut from next year’s budget. She stated that <br />people use this calendar, with it they feel connected, it is more <br />important than what the Council may realize. Ms. Kiddon’s suggestion <br />is to create a digital calendar on the web site. She did not want a <br />linear calendar but rather to replicate of the calendar as it is now. <br />(19) DeJean Dufek, 7021 Amherst <br />Ms. Dufek requested Council delay passing this budget until you have <br />farther time to consider all the options for cutting costs and come back <br />with a reasonable solution for the next meeting. She did not see why <br />the Wilson buyout and the budget for FY 10 were put on the same <br />resolution and would prefer two separate resolutions. <br />The Public Hearing for FY 10 budget was closed at 8:00 p.m. <br />H. CONSENT AGENDA <br />I. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT <br />1. <br />Liquor License for Elite Market, 7267 Olive. <br />Mr. Glickert stated that he would never approve a liquor license to any place near <br />a day care center and there is one within 500 feet of this location. <br />There was not a representative present from Elite Market. <br />The approval of a liquor license was moved for denial, seconded by Mr. Crow <br />and was unanimous to deny the application. <br />2. <br />Discussion surrounding FY 10 budget <br />Ms. Ricci stated that the substance of this budget is not ready for the Council’s <br />vote. Ms. Ricci moved to segregate the Wilson issue out of the Budget <br />Resolution so it may be addressed separately and voted on tonight and to take <br /> <br />