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Parking <br />Congratulations to the finance staff for the successful implementation of the <br />Ticket Software system <br />. The parking attendants will now write tickets using handheld <br />computers. The ticket information will be uploaded into the system to allow <br />instantaneous processing including ticket history, payment, sending notices, applying <br />penalties and booting those with four or more outstanding parking tickets. The City will <br />be entering all unpaid parking tickets into the system over the next few weeks. To <br />celebrate, finance staff is diving into another around the clock training on the financial <br />software. <br />Delmar/ I-170 Bridge <br />MODOT met with staff and indicated the is slated for replacement <br />in 2011. The project is within MODOT’s right of way limits. The project will widen the <br />existing deck of the bridge but the ramps will not be altered in anyway. If they are able <br />to close the bridge, they estimate that construction could be completed within four <br />months. We have asked for pedestrian accommodations at the crossing including <br />separated access for walkers and a bike lane. Additional amenities will include fencing <br />lighting, and signage to match the new I-64.Please keep an eye out for example bridge <br />features and finishes that you like in the area for discussion when the bridge is in design <br />phase. This project will not address the numerous safety/traffic conflicts adjacent to the <br />bridge. This is a MODOT funded project.No City match is required unless additional <br />(over and beyond) finishes are requested by the City. MODOT will host a public meeting <br />in the spring of the coming year. <br />streetlights in the Loop <br />Last month the City requested a one week disconnect of the <br />to evaluate the level of light provided by the pedestrian lights alone. The test was <br />conducted and the LSBD came out strong for keeping all of the lighting intact and <br />offered to cover the cost of the lighting bill, which assists with the financial goal of the <br />project if not the environmental objective. In April of 2008, the lights were reported out. <br />The City’s contractor apparently hit Ameren conduit on Delmar. In May of 2008, the <br />overhead wiring was installed by Ameren to keep the lights on for the remainder of the <br />project. In June of 2008, the contractor provided a written statement to the City, <br />explaining that the utility conduit was marked incorrectly and therefore the conduit was <br />damaged in two places. Later in June, representatives from Ameren and the City met <br />and Ameren requested the City to repair the underground conduit at an estimated cost <br />of $70,000. Debate over responsibility ensued between Ameren and the Contractor. <br />According to Ameren, the conduit needed to be repaired in 11 different places. <br />November 2, 2009, the City received the attached letter from Ameren stating that they <br />will disconnect the cobra head lighting overhead service in the Loop based on the <br />contractor’s failure to properly repair the underground wiring for the lights following the <br />implementation of the pedestrian lighting project. The City, Ameren and the contractor <br />are in continued negotiations; we are requesting the lights remain on and await <br />Ameren’s response. Ameren has the option to perform the repairs and bill the <br />contractor, as it has in other such cases. However, instead they have chosen to not <br />perform the repairs and have requested that the City make the repairs, if the City <br />desires to keep the lighting in the Loop. The City continues to try to keep the matter <br />between Ameren and the Contractor. However, the City has retained enough funds <br />from the contract to use for the repairs, if necessary. Additional background is attached. <br />City’s internet auctionwas a success <br />The. The auction ended this week generating <br />$148,750.00 in sales, far exceeding our expectations. As you know the City selected <br /> <br />