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University City established a Facebook page <br />this week and it has increased the <br />number of our Twitter followers as well. We are already over 100 FANS. If you join FB <br />you can become a fan too, our page is located at <br />The Historical Society of University City presents Ilene Murray, speaking on her <br />book <br />UNIVERSITY CITY MISSOURI; Its People and Events 1906-1931 <br />, an <br />astounding compilation of facts, events, pictures and stories from the early years of U. <br />City. The book will be available for purchase--$35.00 <br />Date: Tuesday, March 23 <br />Time: 7:00 PM <br />Venue: University City Public Library, <br /> 6701 Delmar 2nd Floor Auditorium <br />Charge: FREE <br />For additional information, call E. Mullin at 862-2972, or email <br />Congressman Clay’s Follow Up with FEMA: <br />Below are Congressman Clay’s <br />questions to FEMA (underlined), and their responses to him: <br />Can you tell the residents an estimated time line for when a decision might be made for <br />the funding request? <br />- In no more than four weeks, FEMA will have a determination on the benefit cost <br />analysis (BCA) for each home. Depending on whether or not the homes meet the BCA, <br />FEMA will know how to proceed with the application. We cannot approve the application <br />until funding is in place. <br />According to University City, they submitted the application in June 2009, more than six <br />months ago. Does FEMA consider University City’s application “new”? <br />- FEMA first received the application from the State Emergency Management Agency in <br />October. Additional information was needed and has since been provided. FEMA is in <br />the process of validating the BCA. This would be considered a new project because it <br />has not been approved or obligated prior to the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) policy. <br />Could residents on Wilson Avenue receive funding from money that FEMA currently has <br />in its account? <br />- No, because it has not been approved or obligated prior to the Immediate Needs <br />Funding DRF policy.Due to Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) shortages, funds can’t be <br />obligated for hazard mitigation activities at this time until we receive the DRF <br />supplemental appropriation. The President has requested $3.6 Billion in supplemental <br />funds to cover disaster-related expenses. FEMA is working with OMB and Congress to <br />ensure that supplemental funding is appropriated, as expeditiously as possible, to cover <br />all remaining, anticipated FY 2010 expenditures. <br /> <br />