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2010-03-22 Regular City Council Agenda
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City Council Agenda
2010-03-22 Regular City Council Agenda
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3/22/2010 11:16:05 AM
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3/22/2010 11:15:39 AM
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Ms. Feier stated that the Great Rivers Greenway contract needed approval from University <br />City and Olivette before any construction could begin. Both cities had the same contract. <br />Ms. Ricci asked what the cost of previous mosquito contracts have been for the City in <br />comparison. <br />Ms. Feier stated the previous cost has been approximately $20,000. She noted the cost is <br />dependent on finding West Nile larvae when testing. If larvae were found, the County <br />would need to spray. Ms. Feier said that the County has a flat rate it negotiates with all <br />municipalities. Ms. Watson was to supply the Council with the actual dollar amount <br />previously spent. <br />Mr. Crow asked where the primary breeding ground would be. <br />Ms. Feier stated it is all over; wherever there is standing water. <br />Agenda number 2 <br />Ms. Ricci stated that it was not good practice for one person to have three hats: Deputy <br />Director, Finance Director, and Purchasing Agent. <br />Ms. Watson stated it was a natural function for the Finance Director to be the Purchasing <br />Agent. <br />Ms. Feier noted that the City Manager appoints the Finance Director and the Purchasing <br />Agent as there is nothing stating she cannot combine the jobs. <br />Ms. Ricci asked the City Attorney Mr. Mulligan for his legal opinion. <br />Mr. Mulligan stated there was nothing mentioned in the Charter that would prohibit this, so <br />it is legal. Ms. Ricci asked that this response be recorded. He said the City Manager has <br />the authority to expend the total budget not just as line items and the Council then is <br />authorizing it. He stated the Council appropriates and the Legislative spends. <br />Ms. Ricci challenged the reason for budget amendments being done before approved by <br />Council for the reason of handling of emergencies. Ms. Ricci wanted to know why Council <br />was not made aware of the emergencies as they happened instead of not finding out until <br />they are on the quarterly budget amendments proposed. She asked the City Manager to <br />include in her weekly a report showing any changes made in the budget. Ms. Ricci also <br />asked for a continuing report listing contracts under the jurisdiction of Municipal Code 2.58, <br />as to how each met the guidelines provided. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. <br />Submitted by <br />Joyce Pumm, City Clerk <br /> <br />
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